UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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JRNL 2353 credits
Introduction to Journalism in Canada
Prerequisite(s): MACS 130 recommended
Through print and electronic media, journalists inform us about issues and events from around the world. But what factors determine their choice of stories to cover and the perspectives that they bring to their stories? This course takes a critical look at the role of the journalist in Canadian society.

JRNL 3003 credits
Introduction to the Practice of Journalism
Prerequisite(s): One of CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105
Students will learn the fundamentals of news writing and reporting as demanded by newsrooms across all forms of media. The course is writing intensive and requires outside research (reporting) that includes interviewing and basic fact gathering. A wide variety of forms will be explored, from headline, lead, and caption writing to articles based on the coverage of news events. Students will also be able to try their hand at writing feature stories as well as assessing local reactions to national events and issues.

Note: This course is offered as CMNS 300 and JRNL 300. Students may take only one of these for credit.

JRNL 3014 credits
Advanced Practice of Journalism
Prerequisite(s): CMNS/JRNL 300 or 45 university-level transfer credits including a CMNS 125, or
CMNS 155, or CMNS 175, or ENGL 105.

The course applies journalism skills to other media formats including radio, television, and the internet. This course provides a practical introduction to the technologies and techniques of digital media communication, including video, still image, sound capture and manipulation, internet-based publishing and research, digitizing, editing, and archiving.
The course will be divided into seminar and workshop/lab components. In the seminars, discussion will be focused on critical analysis of selected examples from the field of audio and video production as well as internet-based tools and the emerging philosophy on how to use them. In the workshop/labs, students will have the opportunity to explore writing across various news genres as well as writing to the web, developing on-air voice delivery, as “news anchor” and “remote reporter”, selecting interview clips, designing graphics, transitions, and presenting final products.
This course is offered as CMNS 301 and JRNL 301. Students may take only one of these for credit.

JRNL 3653 credits
Documentary Video Storytelling
Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level arts courses. It is also recommended that students have FILM 110 or FILM 120 and one of the following: VA 160, VA 165/ENGL 165, VA 170, or VA 172. Alternatively, students should have some other experience of working with film or video production.

This course offers students knowledge of fundamental concepts and practical skills in documentary storytelling in film or video. Students will have an opportunity to develop a short documentary video (of approximately 10 minutes in length) from the proposal/treatment stage through pre-production, production, and post-production. Students will be introduced to the work of Canadian filmmakers, who have long been considered leaders in the documentary genre.

Note: This course is offered as VA 365, FILM 365, and JRNL 365. Students may take only one of these for credit.

JRNL 3734 credits
Rhetoric: Literary Journalism

Last extracted: April 23, 2010 09:45:13 PMTop