UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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Speech and Language

English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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SLA 2013 credits
Introduction to the Profession of Speech Language Pathology and the Role of the Speech Language Assistant
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program or permission of the program head
This course is designed to introduce the student to the profession of speech and language, the affiliated organizations, and related publications. The students will be introduced to the guidelines for supportive personnel. This course will also examine the respective role and responsibilities of the speech and language assistant, as applied to various models of service delivery. Students will be encouraged to attend professional conferences, and guest speakers representing these organizations will be invited to present at class.

SLA 2023 credits
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program or permission of the program head
This course will explore the relationship between language, literacy, and academic success. Typical language and literacy development will be studied. Language and cultural issues will be the focus of the interpersonal skills subject area. The nature of language within the context of school (language of instruction) will be compared to that of home. Language intervention strategies (oral and written) will be discussed, emphasizing individual differences in processing styles (top-down and bottom-up) along with the role of metacognition and metalinguistics. Appropriate utilization of speech and language assistants as supportive personnel, carrying out program recommendations in accordance with the assessment profile, will be stressed.

SLA 2033 credits
Communication Disorders and Intervention Techniques
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program or permission of the program head
This course will explore the nature of language and communication disorders in children and the impact of such disorders on the child, the family, and the school. Language intervention approaches will be explored addressing the appropriate role of the speech and language assistant in carrying out program recommendations with both preschool and school- aged population. Students will be introduced to augmentative forms of communication and ways of making these systems functional for the child's environment, as well as adapting programming to reduce barriers for diverse populations.

SLA 2043 credits
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program or permission of the program head
This course is designed to provide you with introductory skills and theoretical background pertaining to treatment and methodology in the areas of articulation and phonology. Normal developmental milestones/sequences determining the need for intervention and the intervention process itself will be discussed. A sampling of activities and strategies reflective of various treatment approaches will be discussed. The role of the speech and language assistant in implementing program recommendations will be emphasized throughout.

SLA 2053 credits
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program or permission of the program head
This course is designed to provide you with an understanding of the principles of conditioning so that they may be incorporated into programming strategies. You will develop accurate observation skills and a variety of recording skills enabling you to be more aware of and precise about behaviour change. The course will also emphasize a practical approach to implementing program recommendations. Exposure to various activity-based programming techniques will be presented with a focus on functional life skill activities.

SLA 2063 credits
Amplification Systems Aural Rehabilitation
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program or permission of the program head
The fundamentals of sound, the human auditory mechanism, and associated pathologies will be examined. Various amplification systems will be discussed, examined, and used. You will learn maintenance procedures and problem-solving techniques for these systems. Philosophies and methodologies of aural rehabilitation will also be discussed.

SLA 2073 credits
Language Learning Environments
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program or permission of the program head
This course emphasizes the practical application of speech and language theory in order to ensure developmentally appropriate hands-on work with children who have delays, disabilities, and challenges in their language and speech patterns.

SLA 2156 credits
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Speech and Language Assistant diploma program and completion of SLA 201, SLA 202, SLA 203, SLA 204, SLA 205, and SLA 206
The practicum will be designed to provide students with experience working in an assisting capacity with a qualified Speech-Language Pathologist (BCASLPA Supportive Personnel Guidelines, May 17, 1994). A series of behavioural competencies will be provided as a guideline to facilitate understanding of your learning objectives. In cooperation with the agency UFV will provide support in practicum monitoring and evaluation guidelines.

Last extracted: April 23, 2010 09:45:17 PMTop