Many of the seats in these courses are reserved for students in the Visual Arts programs but students are invited to apply for non-reserved seats. See also Film and Art History course descriptions. For current transferability information see the B.C. Transfer Guide ( In courses of individual study in various media under the direction of faculty, students have the opportunity to pursue studies of particular interest according to their chosen area(s) of concentration. Note: Students can apply a maximum of three credits of Independent Study as upper-level credits toward the Visual Arts minor and extended minor.
English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

VA 1133 credits
Introduction to Drawing Prerequisite(s): None
This is an introductory drawing course that is designed to give the student technical art training and skill development balanced with experimental processes. Students will be exposed to both traditional and non-traditional methods, materials, ideas, and techniques. This course will emphasize the importance of drawing from three distinct positions: technical skill development, development of personal expression, and the important role art plays in describing and formulating our society today.
VA 1153 credits
Introductory Studio I: Material Practices Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces students to technique, ideas, and theories related to creative forms of image making and surface production. Various methods of visual communication will be examined in relation to contemporary two-dimensional media practices, including painting, print, drawing, photographic processes, textiles, fibre, and interdisciplinary practice. Students will explore colour, design, and a wide range of material processes and will apply this knowledge towards the development of their studio investigations. This course will challenge students to effectively engage in concept development and creative strategies particular to mediums explored.
VA 1163 credits
Intro Studio II: Space, Form and Time Prerequisite(s): none
The primary objective is to introduce principles of visual literacy as they pertain to three-dimensional and time based work in the arts. Concepts surrounding bodily representation and performative presence, space and time, form and content, structure and function will be explored through project-based learning. Emphasis will be on compositional development, visualization skills, media concepts and techniques.
VA 1173 credits
Introduction to Animation Drawing Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces animation drawing through a variety of methods. Students will explore aspects of drawing to facilitate the production and development of all aspects of animation. This course covers the basic skills and knowledge of drawing techniques that form the basis of the fully developed animated project. This course focuses on aspects of line, shape, value, perspective, spatial effects, and composition as related to animated drawing.
VA 1233 credits
Painting/Drawing I Prerequisite(s): None; one of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116 is strongly recommended.
This course offers an introduction to the fundamentals of pictorial development and practice as it relates to this discipline. Students are introduced to various painting and drawing techniques, as well as rudimentary information regarding studio materials and equipment. This course serves to provide experimental processes balanced with technical art training. Students are exposed to various principles and theories that examine art -- historical and contemporary practices.
VA 1243 credits
Painting/Drawing II Prerequisite(s): VA 123
This course provides a continued study of the principles and practices introduced in VA 123. Emphasis is placed on skill development, personal expression and experimentation. With respect to contemporary art practice and discourse students gain valuable practical experience in the use of studio equipment and archival processes, as well as deeper understanding of the relationship between form and content.
VA 1313 credits
Sculpture I (formerly FA 131)
Prerequisite(s): None; one of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116 is strongly recommended.
This course is an introduction to the concerns and techniques of sculpture through experimentation and exploration with contemporary and traditional materials and methods. Short projects and critiques are a standard format. The course defines basic sculptural terminology and assists students in analyzing and understanding production in the context of both individual interests and contemporary theory and practice.
VA 1323 credits
Sculpture II (formerly FA 132)
Prerequisite(s): VA 131 or permission of instructor.
This course is a continuation of investigation, begun in VA 131, into the concerns and techniques of sculpture through development of both technical and conceptual skills for production and critical engagement. Current priorities include the development of ideas and experimentation in materials while being exposed to contemporary art issues and concerns.
VA 1403 credits
First Nations Design and Technology: Special Topics I Prerequisite(s): None
This introductory course provides an opportunity for students, artists and educators to study First Nations design-related techniques and art making practices. In this course students will gain skills to create works inspired by traditional and contemporary methods. Students will discuss issues of cultural copyright and will be encouraged to create work applicable to their own cultural contexts.
VA 1413 credits
First Nations Design and Technology: Special Topics II Prerequisite(s): VA 140 with the same letter designation
This course provides an opportunity to combine traditional technology and design within a contemporary context. Students will learn how to work with the basic principles of traditional First Nations designs and how to apply their own designs to a functional and aesthetic object of their own making.
VA 1423 credits
First Nations Art and Design in Context Prerequisite(s): VA 140 & VA 141 with the same letter designation – for example VA 140C & VA 141C will be the prerequisites for VA 142
This course provides students with the opportunity to practice and refine skills learned in traditional and contemporary First Nations design and technology. Practice will be informed by students’ research into the cultural context of these practices, with specific reference to Northwest Coast cultures.
VA 1433 credits
Indigenous Art and Professional Practices Prerequisite(s): VA 140 and VA 141, plus three additional university-level credits
Taught by instructors steeped in the reality and experience of indigenous art practices, this course offers an introduction to the broad principles of building a professional art practice. Students will be taught a range of skills important in succeeding as a professional creative artist or in related occupations and fields. Students will learn about balancing cultural integrity and traditional knowledge with cultural industry demands.
VA 1513 credits
Print Media I (formerly FA 151)
Prerequisite(s): None; one of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116 is strongly recommended.
This course introduces fundamental procedures of basic intaglio /relief methods, including etching, collograph, linocut, and various mono-printing techniques. Students will develop their own unique sensibilities in relation to how these processes affect creative image development. They will also gain understanding of the historical, social, and aesthetic ramifications of this medium and its relationship to contemporary art issues. Note: Because of limited studio resources, students may repeat this Visual Arts course only with permission of both the instructor and department head.
VA 1523 credits
Print Media II Prerequisite(s): VA 151
This course is a continuation of the basic techniques introduced in VA 151, with emphasis on creative and personal development. Intermediate processes and issues are explored, including advanced etching techniques, the introduction of collograph, multiple plate colour printing, mixed techniques, and concepts of production. Projects and critiques focus on conceptual development in relation to contemporary and historical visual print culture
VA 1603 credits
Introduction to Video Production Prerequisite(s): none
This course is an introduction to the basic techniques and creative processes of video production. It offers exercises in both studio and on-location video production for students who have had little or no previous exposure to the production of video as a creative medium. The course will emphasize the development of technical skills and knowledge which are necessary for the effective use of video as an artistic tool and for documentation or personal expression. Emphasis will be on hands-on exercises concerning pre-production, production and postproduction.
VA 1613 credits
Video Production II Prerequisite(s): VA 160 or VA 171 (Students should have some experience with video editing software or equipment.)
This course is a continuation of VA 160, providing a more comprehensive exploration of video production. It offers more complex exercises in both studio and on-location video production for students who have satisfied the requirements for VA 160 or who have previous video production experience.
VA 1653 credits
Word and Image Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces students to an integrated, inter-dependent form of writing and video. Students will explore and practice the techniques of both means of expression – narrative and non-narrative writing styles, narrative and non-narrative video styles – progressing to the process of “layering”, i.e. what kind of textual elements work with images and what kind of visual elements work with text. Students will also explore the traditional process of bringing words to the screen by first creating the script for production as well as the nontraditional process of using image or text as a “springboard” for discovering the ultimate form for the work. Note: This course is offered as both VA 165 and ENGL 165. Students may take only one of these for credit.
VA 1703 credits
Introduction to Digital Video Prerequisite(s): None
This course will introduce students to the technical and conceptual aspects of digital video art. Students will explore the history of video art, contemporary video makers who utilize the medium, and will develop digital video projects of their own. It is recommended that students have access to a digital video camera, as the department as a limited number.
VA 1713 credits
New Media I Prerequisite(s): None; one of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116 is strongly recommended.
This course offers an introduction to the language, content, and methods of time-based media. Students are introduced to slide/sound installation, video and performance art, as they relate to the visual arts. These media are investigated through both studio production and academic research. Many disciplines covered in this course share common histories and interrelated studio practices. Interdisciplinary work is therefore encouraged. The overall objective is to provide students with hands-on production experience while familiarizing them with the various visual and textual discourses that surround time-based art production.
VA 1723 credits
New Media II Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces students to the technical and conceptual aspects of digital audio and video production, and new genre public art, in relation to the visual arts. Students will explore the history of these disciplines, the work of contemporary artists, and will develop art projects of their own. This course culminates in the mounting of an annual New Media exhibition.
VA 1803 credits
Digital Photography I Prerequisite(s): None
Emphasis is on the basics of digital imaging techniques beginning with scanning procedures and progressing through to the production of a final print. Techniques covered include the use of palettes, tools, layers and masks, as well as the application of text to images. The functional and aesthetic impact of digital photography in today's society is investigated. This course is aimed at user with little or no experience of Adobe Photoshop. Students must have access to their own digital camera. Note: Students with GD 158 cannot take VA 180 for further credit.
VA 1833 credits
Photography I Prerequisite(s): None; one of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116 is strongly recommended.
This course is an introduction to the basic principles of black-and-white photography. Students will be instructed in the use of the 35mm camera and its controls, the properties of natural light, film processing, and darkroom techniques. Experimentation and the development of a creative personal approach to the medium will be encouraged. Note: Students are required to provide their own 35 mm camera. Note: Because of limited studio resources, students may repeat this Visual Arts course only with permission of both the instructor and department head.
VA 1843 credits
Photography II Prerequisite(s): VA 183
This course is a continuation of VA 183. Emphasis will be placed on the creative uses of black-and-white photography through a variety of techniques and presentations, including the introduction of archival printing and fibre-based paper. Students will be expected to develop their individual sensibilities through personal project development. Note: Students are required to provide their own 35 mm SLR camera.
VA 2053 credits
Art Practices and Popular Culture I Prerequisite(s): AH 102
This course offers an examination of popular culture in relation to contemporary art-making practices, emphasizing the cross-fertilization of "fine" and "popular" art in recent decades. Students will be required to complete both formal (essays, exams) and more informal (presentations, journals) assignments for this course, a reflection of the dual designation (AH/VA) of this course. Note: This course is offered as VA 205 and AH 205. Students may take only one of these for credit.
VA 2103 credits
Art Practices and Popular Culture II Prerequisite(s): AH 102 and one VA course - VA 205 recommended
This course, which is best taken as a sequel to AH 205/VA 205, continues to examine popular culture in relation to contemporary art-making practices, this time in terms of its effects on the social and political role of art and the artist. Emphasis will be placed on the consideration that art-making in the 21st century often involves engaging the mechanisms and institutions of pop culture, as well as those of visual art. Reflecting these considerations, students will be required to complete both studio and written projects for this course. Note: This course is offered as VA 210 and AH 210. Students may take only one of these for credit.
VA 3213 credits
Painting/Drawing III Prerequisite(s): VA 124
This course offers an advanced study of painting and drawing techniques and theories as they pertain to contemporary cultural constructs. Students produce individual works of art that are culturally relevant and self expressive, while emphasizing the interrelationship of different art disciplines and practices. Students work independently on self-directed projects designed in consultation with faculty, and are encouraged to bridge their studio practice with art-historical, art-theoretical, and/or culturally relevant Visual Arts research.
VA 3223 credits
Painting/Drawing IV Prerequisite(s): VA 321
Continuing with the principles studied in VA 321, students work toward the development of a series or body of related works. The series is approached as a method toward mature exploration and expansion of the technical, material, and theoretical possibilities relative to each student’s investigation of contemporary painting and drawing. Various theoretical frameworks are introduced and examined in order to enhance these investigations.
VA 3313 credits
Sculpture III (formerly FA 331)
Prerequisite(s): VA 132, or permission of instructor
This course permits focused progress from an understanding of sculptural concepts, media, and methods to more complex sculptural problems. The emphasis will be on developing concepts and applications that address individual interests, ranging from technical exploration and the situation of studio practice to theoretical concerns in contemporary sculptural production.
VA 3323 credits
Sculpture IV (formerly FA 332)
Prerequisite(s): VA 331, or permission of instructor
A continuation of VA 331 with an emphasis on independent development and the establishment of independent ideas. Studio projects are complemented by field trips and seminars.
VA 3513 credits
Print Media III: Mixed Media Prerequisite(s): VA 152
This course is designed to continue the exploration of mixing print mediums. Photo intaglio is introduced, encompassing Photoshop manipulation, transparency output and working with photo-polymer applications, preparing images for digital printing, and the combination of digital printing with more traditional print applications. Projects and critiques focus on conceptual development in relation to contemporary and historical visual print culture.
VA 3523 credits
Print Media IV: Advanced Mixed Media Prerequisite(s): VA 351
This course is designed to encourage students to explore an interdisciplinary and experimental approach to print media, with a primary focus on personal project development. Students will be encouraged to research their chosen area of interest to create a cohesive body of work in relation to their critical knowledge and understanding of the contemporary art issues discussed in class.
VA 3603 credits
Professional Development and Practices Prerequisite(s): 45 credits including 15 Visual Arts credits
This course offers an introduction to both the broad principles of building a professional practice, and to the specific practices found in the worlds of visual art. After grounding in the basics of business correspondence and composition, students will investigate the broad range of skills important to succeeding as a professional artist or in related occupations and fields. Some critical and contextual elements of the dynamic between the creative aspect of an artist's or designer's practice and the sometimes more industry-driven institutional desires and demands will also be explored.
VA 3653 credits
Documentary Video Storytelling Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level arts courses. It is also recommended that students have FILM 110 or FILM 120 and one of the following: VA 160, VA 165/ENGL 165, VA 170, or VA 172. Alternatively, students should have some other experience of working with film or video production.
This course offers students knowledge of fundamental concepts and practical skills in documentary storytelling in film or video. Students will have an opportunity to develop a short documentary video (of approximately 10 minutes in length) from the proposal/treatment stage through pre-production, production, and post-production. Students will be introduced to the work of Canadian filmmakers, who have long been considered leaders in the documentary genre.
Note: This course is offered as VA 365, FILM 365, and JRNL 365. Students may take only one of these for credit.
VA 3663 credits
Documentary Video Production
Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university level arts courses and students must have experience with video production. It is recommended that students have Film 110 or Film 120 and one of the following: VA 160 or VA 161 or VA 170 or VA 171 or VA 180 or VA/Film 365. Alternatively, interview & portfolio review (instructor’s permission)
This course offers students with previous video production experience an opportunity to develop and direct a short documentary video project from the proposal/treatment stage through pre-production, production, and post-production. Students will be exposed to a range of approaches and skills for crafting compelling documentaries that say something about culture, society, history, or contemporary life.
VA 3713 credits
New Media III Prerequisite(s): VA 171 or VA 172
This course is intended to advance students' technical and conceptual knowledge of time and technology-based art practices. Students complete three thematic projects and one group research presentation based on contemporary issues.
VA 3723 credits
New Media IV Prerequisite(s): VA 371 or permission of the instructor
This senior studio course is designed to allow for independent research and material development. Students are exposed to professional practices while they develop a material and conceptual language around their work. Course content is explored through theoretical research, independent projects, and a mock gallery submission.
VA 3833 credits
Photography III Prerequisite(s): VA 184
This course will focus on the integration of conceptual development and contextual understanding integral to the creative process of photographic art production. New techniques will be introduced, including medium format photography, studio lighting, mural printing, and experimentation with liquid emulsions. Student presentations will also be a requirement, with an emphasis on investigating the debates and developments surrounding the role of photography within contemporary culture.
VA 3843 credits
Photography IV Prerequisite(s): VA 383
This course continues the study of photographic practice and theory. Technical development will focus on the introduction of the large format view camera. There will also be opportunities for integrating work utilizing a hybrid of digital and analogue photographic forms. Readings will be assigned, and students will be responsible for presenting a synopsis, as well as for leading group discussions on the articles.
VA 3903 credits
Community Arts Practice Prerequisite(s): 6 VA credits
This course provides students with the opportunity to work as artist-citizens in the community by immersing them in a creative collaborative production with cultural, educational, and/or community organizations. Under faculty direction, a team of students will work in partnership with an organization to further develop their artistic skills, facilitate their creative processes, increase their social analysis skills, and where possible, develop capacity and strength in local groups. This course provides students with applied work experience with regard to developing liaisons, negotiating concepts and design, and working within specified budget and time constraints.
VA 4014 credits
Senior Seminar I Prerequisite(s): Two upper-level Art History courses, to include either AH 314 or AH 315, plus 30 university-level credits.
This course presents an overview of key theoretical issues important to the practice and reception of contemporary art. Modern and contemporary cultural theories, art theory and art criticism are examined. Topics include Marxist-Realist and Formalist debate, early Structuralist and Post-Structuralist criticism, Aesthetic Reception theory, Pyschoanalytic art criticism plus selected Postmodern and Feminist cultural critiques. This course forms the required foundation for Senior Seminar II. Note: Students with AH 401 cannot take VA 401 for further credit.
VA 4023 credits
Senior Studio I Prerequisite(s): 6 credits of 300-level studio courses (from two of the following: VA 322, VA 332, VA 352, VA 372, VA 384)
Pre- or corequisite(s): VA 401 or AH 401
This is a course designed to facilitate independent critical practices that include conceptual development, recognizing and pursuing the appropriate research needed to produce art works and selecting appropriate methodologies needed to produce competent works of art. Students work independently on two self motivated studio projects. The students must demonstrate an understanding of materials, concepts and methods used to complete their projects as well as the skill, imagination and resourcefulness needed to produce quality art works.
VA 4033 credits
Senior Seminar II Prerequisite(s): AH 401 or VA 401
This seminar course is designed to further develop a comprehensive understanding and awareness of theoretical issues as they pertain to art making practice. Students will work independently in consultation with the instructor on in-class presentations related to projects established in Senior Studio II. They will acquire research skills necessary to the development and understanding of contemporary art practice, cultural theory, and art criticism. Weekly readings and in-class presentations will provide the basis for discussion. Note: This course is offered as VA 403 and AH 403. Students may take only one of these for credit.
VA 4043 credits
Senior Studio II Prerequisite(s): VA 402
Corequisite(s): VA 403
This course facilitates independent critical practices based on conceptual development, appropriate research and appropriate methodologies needed to produce competent works of art. Students work independently on two self motivated studio projects.
VA 4213 credits
Independent Study: Painting Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department head based on portfolio review
VA 4223 credits
Independent Study: Painting Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department head based on portfolio review
VA 4313 credits
Independent Study: Sculpture (formerly VA 499)
Prerequisite(s): VA332 and permission of program head and instructors based on portfolio review
VA 4323 credits
Independent Study: Sculpture (formerly VA 499)
Prerequisite(s): VA332 and permission of program head and instructors based on portfolio review
VA 4513 credits
Independent Study: Print Media Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department head based on portfolio review
VA 4523 credits
Independent Study: Print Media Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department head based on portfolio review
VA 4713 credits
New Media V Prerequisite(s): VA 371 or VA 372, and permission of the instructor
This course offers students the opportunity to develop and exhibit independent work paralleled by a refined artist's statement. Overall, students exercise greater independence and initiative as emerging artists. Students meet independently with the instructor, while scheduled group meetings facilitate class critiques and discussions.
VA 4723 credits
New Media VI Prerequisite(s): VA 371 or VA 372 and permission of instructor
This course enables students with previous experience in New Media to work under the supervision of the instructor and develop personal initiatives using the studio equipment facilities. The student/instructor relationship is more informal than traditional--the instructor serves as a tutorial resource (both technically and conceptually.) The student exercises independence and self-directed initiative. Student objectives and assignments are to be determined through consultation with the instructor.
VA 4833 credits
Independent Study: Photography (formerly VA 497)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of program head and instructors based on portfolio review
VA 4843 credits
Independent Study: Photography (formerly VA 497)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of program head and instructors based on portfolio review
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