UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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Social Work and Human Services

UFV's School of Social Work and Human Services offers a Bachelor of Social Work degree that prepares students for generalist social work practice, and a Social Services diploma that prepares students for work at the para-professional level in the social services field. A First Nations option is available in the Social Services diploma, and a Child Welfare specialization is available in the BSW degree.

UFV also offers a Substance Abuse Counselling certificate program for people who want to work with clients with chemical dependencies, and a Community Support Worker certificate that prepares people to work in a variety of roles with children and adults with mental and/or physical disabilities.

An Aboriginal Culture and Language Support diploma is available for individuals currently employed or seeking employment in K-12 Aboriginal education (see Indigenous Studies for this and other Aboriginal options), and a Health and Human Services certificate is available through the Career Technical Centre.

Bachelor of Social Work degree
   Child Welfare specialization

Social Services diploma
   First Nations option

Aboriginal Culture and Language Support diploma

Substance Abuse Counselling certificate

Community Support Worker certificate

Health and Human Services certificate

Certificate in Extended Studies in Social Work — Child Welfare specialization

Certificate in Extended Studies in Social Services — First Nations option

Course listings

For complete details on Social Work courses see this course descriptions section.

For complete details on Human Services courses see this course descriptions section.