UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Indigenous Studies

UFV offers certificates in Stó:lõ Studies, Indigenous Arts, and Indigenous Maps, Flims, Rights, and Land Claims, in addition to an Aboriginal Culture and Language Support diploma, a Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP) in partnership with UBC, and a proficiency certificate in the Halq’eméylem language through UFV's Modern Languages Institute. A First Nations option is also available in the Social Services diploma.

Students may also want to consider the Transition Year initiatives offered by Aboriginal Access Services. For more information, contact 604-795-2835, 604-557-4069, or arc@ufv.ca.

Stó:lõ Studies certificate

Indigenous Arts certificate: Honouring Our Gifts

Indigenous Maps, Films, Rights, and Land Claims certificate

Aboriginal Culture and Language Support diploma

Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP)

Social Services diploma — First Nations option

Certificate in Extended Studies in Social Services — First Nations option

Course listings

Courses are available in First Nations Studies, Halq’eméylem, and Indigenous Peoples Knowledge. For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.