UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Indigenous Studies

Aboriginal Culture and Language Support diploma

This program will meet the requirements of individuals currently employed or seeking employment in K-12 Aboriginal education, both in public and Band-operated schools as First Nations Support Workers. This program is culturally relevant and responsive to the needs of the Aboriginal community.

The program is designed to ladder into the Developmental Standard Term Certificate (DSTC), a 90-credit certificate designed by the local Halq'eméylem language authority, Stó:lõ Shxweli. The DSTC has been approved by the B.C. College of Teachers as a certification requirement to teach this Aboriginal language in elementary schools.

Upon completion of the ACLS program, students are able to further their education in several ways. Those who have made the decision to pursue the DSTC can do so by applying to SFU. Or, graduates of the ACLS diploma program may prefer to pursue a UFV degree in General Studies, Social Work, or Arts. A third option is to pursue a Bachelor of Education program at SFU or UBC.


2 years full time study — 4 semesters
63-65 credits

Entrance requirements

A. Academic entrance requirements

1. B.C. secondary school Dogwood Diploma or equivalent (ABE Provincial, Advanced), or mature students, 19 years or older, who have successfully completed at least two of these courses: HSER 120, HSER 200, ENGL 105, ENGL 170, HIST 103, MATH 105 or the lab science elective.

2. Completion of the prerequisite for MATH 105.

3. Completion of the prerequisite for ENGL 105.

B. Other entrance requirements

1. Students must be at least 19 by October 31 of their first year.

2. Physical and emotional preparedness to undertake a program of studies.

Note: Personal suitability of applicants will be assessed using a point rating system. Points are awarded for past academic education, all work or volunteer experience (social services or other), demonstrated writing ability, reference letters, personal statement, and the group interview. The group interview generally consists of four to six student applicants and two SWHS department members. Applicants should be prepared to discuss their career goals and knowledge of the field, and are expected to demonstrate appropriate interpersonal and life skills.

3. Willing to undergo a criminal records check.

4. Suitability for working with Aboriginal youth in an educational setting.

5. Able to substantiate strong ties to an Aboriginal community.

Note: Students may be required to attend at a group interview.

Program outline

Semester I

Course Title Credits
HALQ 101 Halq'eméylem Language I 3
HSER 120 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications 3
ENGL 105 Academic Writing 3
HIST 103 Stó:lõ History 3
FNST 101 Stó:lõ Nation Development 3
Total   15

Semester II

Course Title Credits
HALQ 102 Halq'eméylem Language II 3
HSER 200 Counselling Skills 3
MATH 105 Math for the Elementary School Teacher 4
ENGL 170 Literature in Context 3
EDUC 290 Introduction to Aboriginal Culture and Language Education 4
Total   17

Semester III

Course Title Credits
HALQ 201 Intermediate Halq'eméylem I 3
HSER 192 Supporting Learner Development 3
EDUC 291 Intermediate Studies in Aboriginal Culture and Language Education 4
FNST 201 Stó:lõ Communications and World View 3
One Lab science (see Note 2) 3-5
Total   16-18

Semester IV

Course Title Credits
HALQ 202 Intermediate Halq'eméylem II 3
FNST 202 Stó:lõ Social Structure 3
FNST 275/ EDUC 275 Contemporary Issues and Policies in Aboriginal Education 3
FNST 230 Aboriginal Culture and Language Practicum (see Note 3) 6
Total   15

Total credits for Aboriginal Culture and Language Support Worker = 63-65

Note 1: Some courses will be dependent upon enrollment and may be cost recovery.

Note 2: Students should choose a lab science course that is acceptable to the education program they wish to pursue. Please consult an Education Advisor.

Note 3: A program GPA of 2.0 is required for practicum placement.

Program regulations

A program GPA of 2.0 (C average) is required for practicum placement and graduation.

All FNST courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. Students who are not making satisfactory progress may be required to withdraw from the program. Unsatisfactory progress can include:

• being placed on academic warning for inappropriate classroom conduct
• failing two or more courses in one semester
• failing a required course twice
• failing a practicum-based course: EDUC 290, EDUC 291, FNST 230
• failing to maintain a 2.0 program GPA

Practicum regulations

Acceptance into the program does not guarantee practicum placement. Placement into the practicum will be at the discretion of the instructor. A program GPA of 2.0 is required for practicum placement. Students will be individually assessed during the third semester as to their readiness for the practicum in terms of skills, attitudes, and knowledge. The ability to pass a criminal records check is a prerequisite for most placements and a professional appearance is necessary. Practicum students must adhere to the host school’s dress code. Practica placement in the student’s home community is not guaranteed. Transportation for all practica is the student’s responsibility.

Students currently working as an Aboriginal Support Worker with at least three years work experience in an educational setting may be able to challenge FNST 230. Challenge options are to be discussed, by appointment, with the Department Head.

Students who do not complete a prerequisite course may be allowed to register for a subsequent course at the discretion of the Department Head. UFV reserves the right to cancel any course for which there is insufficient registration.

Graduation requirements

A program GPA of 2.0 (C average) and successful completion of FNST 230 (practicum) is required for graduation.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.