UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Sociology/Anthropology major

This section specifies the major discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section.

Lower-level requirements: 19 credits

Course Title Credits
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology 3
ANTH 102 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
One: ANTH, LAS, MACS, SOC OR WMST 100/200-level course (see Note) 3
One additional: ANTH or SOC 100/200 level course 3
SOC 255/
ANTH 255/
MACS 255
Introduction to Social Research 3
MATH 104 Introductory Statistics  
 or MATH 106 Statistics I 4

Note: Students are advised to select lower-level courses that are prerequisites (or recommended courses) for the upper-level courses of interest to them. See the course descriptions section for more information.

Upper-level requirements: 32 credits

32 credits of 300- and 400-level Sociology and Anthropology as follows:

Course Title Credits
SOC 355/
ANTH 355/
MACS 355
Quantitative Methods (see Note 1)  
 or SOC 356/
ANTH 356/
MACS 356
Qualitative Research Methods 4
SOC 350 Classical Sociological Thought 4
 or ANTH 301 Key Ideas in Anthropology (see Note 2)
12 additional upper-level credits in Sociology (see Note 3) 12
12 additional upper-level credits in Anthropology 12

Note 1: CRIM 320 or GEOG 252 (formerly GEOG 352) may be substituted for SOC 355/ANTH 355/MACS 355.

Note 2: Students wishing to take ANTH 301 are advised that this course is generally offered every other year. 

Note 3: No more than nine credits may be in the internship courses SOC 396/GDS 310/GEOG 396 and SOC 398/GDS 311/GEOG 398.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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