UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Teacher Education

Teacher Education Program (Elementary)

The Teacher Education Program (TEP) will provide professional development for elementary school pre-service teachers in a Kindergarten to grade seven module. The 55-credit program, which is twelve months in length, can only be taken on a full-time basis. It emphasizes the integration of knowledge, practice, and program components that are specifically designed to meet the TEP values and goals. The program is intended to help prospective teachers attain the professional standards established by the Ministry of Education through the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB); see bcteacherregulation.ca for more information. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be recommended to the Ministry of Education for professional certification through the Teacher Regulation Branch and will receive a certificate in Teacher Education from UFV.

It is anticipated that professional development for a secondary module will be added in July 2013, pending external and internal approvals.

Mission statement of the UFV Teacher Education Program

The mission of the UFV Teacher Education Program (TEP) is to educate teachers who will become responsible and effective professionals. Through our emphasis on the integration of knowledge, educational theory and practice, on social justice, and on curriculum development, our graduates will be distinguished by the knowledge, skills, and values expected of educators in the contemporary classroom.

Dates and location

The program has one intake per year. TEP is twelve months in length, beginning in early July and ending in late June.

Students will take classes at the Abbotsford campus. School experiences and practica will take place in schools from the Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission and Fraser Cascade school districts.

Entrance requirements

The program is designed to prepare students to qualify for a professional teaching certificate issued by the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB). Some of the following admission requirements reflect policies or standards of the TRB.

Academic requirements

• Bachelor’s degree to include 18 credits of 300 or 400 level courses in teachable subject areas (see Note)
• 3 credits of English composition
• 3 credits of English literature
• 3 credits of Canadian history
• 3 credits of Canadian geography
• 4 credits of an approved laboratory science course
• MATH 105 (4 credits)
• EDUC 200 (3 credits)
• EDUC 300 (4 credits)

Note: All applicants must meet the course requirements of the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch to qualify for professional certification. The required Bachelor's degree needs to include a minimum of 120 credits. Eighteen credits of third and fourth year courses have to be from teachable subject areas: English, math, science, physical education, social studies (any combination of anthropology, geography, history, political science, or sociology), French, visual arts, and theatre.

All courses mentioned above, except EDUC 300, must be completed one full semester prior to beginning TEP.

Prospective Teacher Education applicants may complete the academic requirements at UFV. If you are not pursuing your bachelor degree at UFV, you could apply to a program path such as Arts Studies or Science Studies in order to register for the remaining courses.

Other requirements

1. Written assignment: Directions and details are enclosed in the TEP application package. Please note that this assignment needs to be written on campus. Several dates will be made available in January. Students unable to attend these writing sessions must consult the TEP advisor.

2. Work experience, talents, and skills: Students are required to have related experience working with children/adolescents in a variety of settings. While all experience with children/adolescents is valuable, classroom volunteer work is strongly recommended. Students are encouraged to highlight additional certificates such as coaching, music, and first aid, along with languages spoken and travel experience.

3. Reference letters: At least two, but not more than three confidential letters of reference from professionals are required to support the student’s application. It is highly recommended that the referee has seen you work with children/adolescents.

4. Grade Point Average: UFV will calculate grade point average (GPA) on the most recent two years (approximately 60 semester hours) of undergraduate coursework (this may include post-degree coursework). Applicants with a GPA below a 2.8 on the 4.33 scale in this calculation will not be considered.

5. Academic preparation: We welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds. Elementary teachers have to be competent in many subject areas, and we recommend that applicants have preparation in numeracy (e.g. Math 205), and literacy skills. You can further enhance your preparation by taking courses from disciplines such as cultural anthropology, visual arts, music, theatre, sociology, modern languages, kinesiology/physical education, linguistics, science, and math. 

All documentation submitted in support of a student’s application is confidential and will be treated as such by UFV.

All candidates must meet the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch acceptable degree policy, restricting the academic preparation acceptable for qualifying teachers. It is strongly recommended that prospective students attend the TEP Seminars which are regularly offered by the department. For more information please see ufv.ca/tep.

Criminal record check

Under the Criminal Records Review Act, students in a professional post-secondary program with a practicum component involving work with children and/or vulnerable adults must undergo a criminal record check. Applicants to the program who may have a criminal offence are advised to contact the Ministry of Public Safety and the Solicitor General.

Students admitted to the TEP who have been convicted of a criminal offence and given a discharge are advised to contact the Commissioner of the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch for clarification of their status before undertaking a teacher education program. The Criminal Records Check will be administered through the TEP office.

Recognition of previously completed education courses

TEP is a full-time cohort program, in which all students take all courses together on the same schedule. To ensure that students progress through the program at the same pace and to ensure that students receive consistent exposure to all aspects of the TEP curriculum, TEP limits transfer credit from other institutions or from other programs at UFV toward credit in the TEP program.

The following criteria are used to determine the applicability of transfer credit or other UFV credits to the Teacher Education program requirements or entrance requirements:

• Relevance of the course, as determined by TEP faculty.
• Suitability of the course to the program, as determined by TEP faculty.
• The date the course was taken. Generally, courses taken more than 10 years ago will not be considered applicable to TEP entrance requirements or program requirements.
• The content of the course. If a course has been taken within the past 10 years, but there has been significant change to the course content, the course may not be considered applicable to TEP entrance requirements or program requirements.

Once transfer credit has been evaluated, through the process administered by the UFV Admissions and Records office, applicants should contact the Teacher Education department to determine whether courses assigned UFV transfer credit may be used toward TEP entrance requirements or program requirements. When transfer credit to the TEP program is not appropriate, unassigned transfer credit may be given towards electives for other UFV programs – students should consult with their department advisor or program head.

How to apply

Applicants must submit their completed applications, including documentation, by January 31 each year, to be considered for the July admission. Applicants are eligible to apply while completing a Bachelor’s degree acceptable to TRB, provided all prerequisite courses (except EDUC 300) are completed in the Fall semester prior to starting TEP. EDUC 300 must be completed by April 30 prior to commencing TEP in July.

Admission to the TEP will be on a competitive basis. Meeting the minimal requirements does not guarantee admission.

1. Obtain a TEP application package from Student Services, Admission and Records office, or the web-site ufv.ca/tep.

2. Submit a complete application along with the application fee to the Admission and Records office (A&R). The deadline for application is January 31 for the following July intake. Applications received after January 31 may be considered, but only if space is available.

Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions attended, showing grade/course achievement. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details. To meet application deadlines, order your transcripts early.
• Reference letters, a brief resume, and a written assignment. Use the forms available on the TEP website: ufv.ca/teachereducation. Please note that the written assignment must be completed at an on-campus writing session (see directions and details in the application package). The resume should be submitted with the application.

All references must be submitted on the Referee Report form provided with the application package, with a separate completed form for each reference. An additional letter can be attached to the referee form; however, this must be written on school/company letterhead, must be original, and must be signed by the referee. One reference must come from an off-campus educator who has observed the student interacting with children/adolescents in an educational setting.

All references must be mailed directly by the referee in a sealed envelope to the Admissions and Records office:

AdmissionS and Records
Teacher Education Program Admissions
University of the Fraser Valley
33844 King Road
Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 7M8

The resume must accompany the application. Please make arrangements to complete the written assignments on campus.

Basis for admission decision

1. An admissions committee, comprised of the TEP department head, program advisor, and two education faculty members will consider each candidate's application.

2. Each applicant must meet all academic requirements. In addition, candidates are evaluated based on the five additional admission criteria as outlined under “Other requirements”. Each criterion will be given equivalent weight and the top 50 candidates may be asked for an interview. A waitlist of 5 to 6 applicants will also be compiled.

3. Conditional acceptance may be offered, if students are still completing their Bachelor’s degree and/or EDUC 300 prior to beginning the TEP in July. Proof of completion of ALL entrance requirements is due at the end of April.

Admission to the TEP will be on a competitive basis. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Books and additional supplies cost approximately $150 per course. Students must have reliable modes of transportation for travel to practica sites. The criminal record check will be $20. Upon successful completion of TEP, student teachers can expect to pay a fee to the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch to have documents reviewed for certification purposes.

Program outline

This is the suggested order and sequence of courses taken by all students within the cohort model.

Semester I (July and August)

Course Title Credits
EDUC 410 Schooling in a Diverse Society 3
EDUC 421 Designs for Learning Elementary Social Studies 2
EDUC 423 Designs for Learning Elementary Science 2
EDUC 425 Designs for Learning Elementary Physical Education 1
EDUC 444 Classroom Management Strategies 1
EDUC 445 Planning and Assessment 2
EDUC 446 Information Technology in Teaching 1
EDUC 495A Applications of Reflective Practice I 0.5
Total   12.5

Semester II (September to December)

Course Title Credits
EDUC 412 Introduction to Development and Special Learning Needs 3
EDUC 420 Designs for Learning Elementary English Language Arts 3
EDUC 422 Designs for Learning Elementary Fine Arts 1
EDUC 424 Designs for Learning Elementary Mathematics 3
EDUC 448 Conflict Resolution in Schools 1
EDUC 454 Mental Health and Special Learning Needs in Schools 1
EDUC 490 School Experience (Practicum 1) 6
EDUC 495B Applications of Reflective Practice II 0.5
Total   18.5

Semester III (January to April)

Course Title Credits
EDUC 450 Second Language Learning in Classroom Practice 2
EDUC 452 Unit Planning, Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting
EDUC 453 Literacy Across the Curriculum 1
EDUC 492 Integration of Knowledge and Practice (Practicum 2) 12
EDUC 495C Applications of Reflective Practice III 0.5
Total   17.5

Semester IV (May to June)

Course Title Credits
EDUC 442 Introduction to Classroom Research 1
EDUC 447 Indigenous Youth and Schooling 3
EDUC 460 Governance and Reform in Public Education 2
EDUC 495D Applications of Reflective Practice IV 0.5
Total   6.5
Total program credits 55

Program Regulations

Continuance in the program

Students must demonstrate a satisfactory level of understanding in all foundations courses, designs for learning courses, and short courses in order to receive credit. Courses are evaluated on a credit/no credit basis. Please note that details of how a student is evaluated in a course is specified in each course outline. Students must receive credit in the school experience and practica in order to complete the program. Moreover, students are expected to be guided by ethically responsible professional conduct that includes behaviour consistent with the established Standards for the Education, Competence and Professional Conduct of Educators, as outlined through the Ministry of Education's Teacher Regulation Branch.

Interruption of TEP due to extenuating circumstances

Students may apply for permission to interrupt TEP due to extenuating circumstances such as medical, personal, or financial difficulties. There is an interrupt form which must be completed by the student and reviewed by the placement coordinator. A recommendation is then made to the department head. Conditions for the student’s re-admission into TEP are specified at this time. Students who interrupt TEP will be considered to have withdrawn from the program. They must apply for re-entry into the program by the specified deadlines within two years of the interruption. Interruption is not an option once performance issues have been identified.

Withdrawal from TEP

Academic warning

Students must achieve credit in all courses to maintain standing in the program. Academic warning in the Teacher Education Program is provided in the form of a Notice of Potential Withdrawal Contract. Students who do not achieve credit in a course will be withdrawn from the program. Please see the section on course withdrawal below.

Course withdrawal

Students who withdraw from any of the TEP courses will be considered to have withdrawn from the program. See Re-application, re-admission, or re-entry below for information on completing the program.

The withdrawal of a student from TEP may be a difficult experience for all concerned. It is important that all affected parties have a thorough understanding of the withdrawal process in order to lessen discomfort and ensure transparency of the process.

Withdrawal procedures

Voluntary withdrawal by the student

If a student acknowledges his/her inability to meet the goals of the Teacher Education Program, he/she may withdraw from the program. The student is required to inform their Faculty Mentor, Teacher Mentor, and the Registrar’s office of his/her intention to withdraw. The student is required to fill out the withdrawal form and to meet with the placement coordinator. In a student-initiated withdrawal, a variety of conditions for re-entry may be identified on the withdrawal form. These conditions will reflect the student’s performance and the circumstances surrounding the student-initiated withdrawal.

Withdrawal initiated by TEP

If in the professional judgment of the Faculty Mentor, Teacher Mentor, or Coordinator, a student has not adequately demonstrated competency in meeting the goals of the Teacher Education Program, certain procedures are initiated in the following sequence:

The Contract/Notice of Potential Withdrawal

As problems in the student’s work are identified and persist, the Faculty Mentor may put the student on contract. This contract is developed in consultation with the student, Faculty Mentor, Teacher Mentor, and Coordinator, so that the requirements of the contract are clear. This contract identifies the student’s performance weaknesses and specifies the conditions the student must meet in order to demonstrate improvement. A deadline will be set to determine whether the conditions have been met. (The student will have a minimum of five working days to meet the terms of the contract.) When the student has demonstrated that he/she has met the conditions by the deadline, he/she must demonstrate that the improvements are sustained during the remainder of the practicum. Failure to meet or sustain the conditions of the contract will result in immediate withdrawal.


At the time of a student’s withdrawal, a withdrawal form is completed and signed by the student, the Faculty Mentor, the Teacher Mentor, and the Coordinator. The withdrawal form lists the reasons for the withdrawal and specifies the conditions that the student must meet before he/she can apply for re-entry and re-admission. These conditions for re-entry should identify the student’s performance issues clearly, and should allow for the presentation of observable data at the time of re-entry, both in an interview and in the student’s portfolio.

Note: Students who withdraw or who are withdrawn from a course in the first semester must re-apply to TEP. Students who withdraw from any of the TEP courses will be withdrawn from the program. (See Re-entry and Re-admission to TEP for information on subsequent attempts to complete the program.)

Immediate withdrawals

For situations that are considered very serious, a student may be immediately removed from the classroom. Examples include instances when  physical, emotional, intellectual, and social safety of children may be at risk or when the principal at the sponsoring school refuses to allow the student to continue. In this case, the Placement Coordinator will remove the student from the program immediately without following the usual steps in the withdrawal process. The process is outlined in the TEP Handbook.

Re-application, re-admission, or re-entry

There are three ways to re-join TEP. The specific options available relate to the length of time spent in the program before withdrawing or being asked to withdraw: re-application, re-admission, or re-entry.

Re-application to TEP

Students who withdraw or are withdrawn from EDUC 490, or any first semester course, are required to repeat the first semester and must re-apply for admission to TEP. Admission is competitive and the student must be successful in the application to be re-admitted. A previous admission does not imply any guarantee for re-admission; the application is subject to the same criteria for admission as are those from all other candidates. An interview with the admissions committee may be required.

Re-admission to TEP

Students who withdraw or are withdrawn from second semester courses (except EDUC 490), or third semester courses (except EDUC 492) may apply for re-admission to TEP. They must show evidence of meeting the terms of the withdrawal contract. An interview with the admissions committee may be required.

Re-entry to TEP

Students who do not meet the objectives of EDUC 492 may be put on a probationary contract. If the student withdraws or is withdrawn from EDUC 492, the student can apply for re-entry into the program. There are specific written requirements for re-entry as stated on the withdrawal form, which can be obtained from the TEP Coordinator.

A student who re-enters TEP is required to repeat the semester in which the withdrawal occurred. Students who have withdrawn from EDUC 492 must be successful in their application to be re-admitted within 2 years after interrupting or withdrawing from TEP. Deadline for re-entry is October 15 and part of the application to re-enter is a submission of supporting data which demonstrates that all re-entry conditions have been met.

Only students who withdraw from EDUC 492 and apply by the deadline will be considered for re-entry into TEP.

Requirements for Re-Entry to TEP may include one or more of the following:

a) The student may need to show documentation of new observation and/or volunteer experience working in educational/instructional contexts.

b) The student may need to show completion of required coursework.

c) The student may be required to complete specific tasks involving reading, writing, reflection, planning, and/or instruction.

d) The student must apply for re-entry within two years of interrupting or withdrawing from TEP and must demonstrate that professional/personal development relevant to the circumstances of withdrawal has been undertaken.

e) The student may be required to have an interview with the Admissions Committee.

A student who re-enters TEP is required to repeat the semester in which the withdrawal occurred. Students who withdraw or are withdrawn from the program for the second time will not be considered for re-entry to the program.

Note: Although every effort is made to accommodate students who wish to re-enter the program in the semester of their choice, this cannot be guaranteed. Factors such as space availability for re-admitted students, as well as the total number of applicants in any given semester, inevitably influence the possibility of re-admission, even for candidates who are otherwise qualified.


This is a full-time program in which all students take all of the courses. Thus, transfer of courses from other institutions or earlier studies will not be considered.

Auditing courses

Students will not be permitted to audit courses.


Upon successful completion of all program requirements, students are recommended to the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch for professional certification.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.