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Modern Languages

Proficiency certificates in Modern Languages

UFV's Modern Languages Institute now offers proficiency certificates in several languages.

The intermediate certificate consists of successful completion of 12 UFV credits (i.e., two years) in a single language: 101, 102, plus two second-year courses, with a minimum 2.33 GPA. At least 25% of the courses must be completed at UFV. Students who already have the 101/102 component, i.e., Grade 12 level, will be able to have the first-year requirement waived.

Students in any UFV program who meet the stated requirements of any proficiency certificate may apply for the certificate by completing a graduation application, available at Admissions & Records, by April 1 (all requirements must be met by April 30).

Students in any UFV program who achieve a GPA of at least 4.0 in all applicable language courses may apply for a certificate stating that they have completed the requirements “with distinction”.

Intermediate certificate in French

• FREN 101, 102, 219, and any one of FREN 215, 216, 225, or 230, with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Intermediate certificate in Halq’eméylem

• HALQ 101, 102, 201, and 202 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Intermediate certificate in Japanese

• JAPN 101, 102, 201, and 202 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Intermediate certificate in Mandarin

• MAND 101, 102, 201, and 202 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Intermediate certificate in Russian

• RUSS 101, 102, 201, and 202 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Intermediate certificate in Spanish

• SPAN 101, 102, 201, and 202 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Advanced certificate in French

• Completion of the requirements for the intermediate certificate in French, plus
• Any two of FREN 315, 319, 325, 330, or 345 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Advanced certificate in Russian

• Completion of the requirements for the intermediate certificate in Russian, plus
• RUSS 311 and 321 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.

Advanced certificate in Spanish

• Completion of the requirements for the intermediate certificate in Spanish, plus
• SPAN 301 and 302 with a minimum 2.33 GPA.


Candidates who qualify to receive a UFV proficiency certificate in modern languages must be approved by the UFV Modern Languages Institute and the University College Council. Students transferring to another institution before graduation should speak to the head of the Modern Languages Institute regarding the application process.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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