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Visual Arts

Visual Arts major

This section specifies the Visual Arts major requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Fine Arts section for information on additional requirements.

Foundation series: 12 credits

Course Title Credits
VA 113 Introduction to Drawing 3
VA 115 Introductory Studio I: Material Processes 3
VA 116 Introductory Studio II: Space, Form, and Time 3
VA 160 Introduction to Video Production
 or VA 180 Digital Photography I

Studio core: 36 credits

Course Title Credits
Studio I through IV of three complete studio disciplines: 36
VA 223, 224, 321, and 322 Painting/Drawing I, II, III, and IV  
VA 231, 232, 331, and 332 Sculpture I, II, III, and IV  
VA 251, 252, 351, and 352 Print Media I, II, III, and IV  
VA 271, 272, 371, and 372 New Media I, II, III, and IV  
VA 283, 284, 383, and 384 Photography I, II, III, and IV  

Note: Theatre minor students may substitute THEA 370 for one studio IV course.

Art History core: 20 credits

Course Title Credits
AH 102 History of Western Art: 1400 to the Present 3
AH 200 Critical Approaches to Thinking and Writing about Art  
 or AH 205 Art Practices and Popular Culture I 3
AH 314 Arts in Context: Modernism  
 or AH 315 Arts in Context: Contemporary 4
One additional 100-level Art History course (see Note 1) 3
One additional 200-level Art History course 3
One additional 300-level Art History course 4

Note 1: Fashion minor students may substitute FD 193 for the 100-level Art History course.

Note 2: The completion of all required 300-level AH credits is a prerequisite for VA/AH 401.

Senior series: 16 credits

Course Title Credits
VA 360 Professional Development and Practices 3
VA 401/AH 401 Senior Seminar I 4
VA 402 Senior Studio I 3
VA 403/AH 403 Senior Seminar II 3
VA 404 Senior Studio II 3

Note: Theatre minor students may substitute THEA 370 for either VA 402/AH 402 or VA 404/AH 404.

Electives: 24 credits

The elective credits in the Visual Arts major must encompass the following criteria:

  • Three credits must be upper-level.
  • Six credits must be from BFA-related disciplines: Film Studies, Theatre, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, or MACS; LAS 100 or 206; ENGL 104, 165, 208, 211, 212, 213, 215, 302, 303, 311, 313, 315, 317, 377, 378, or 381; or CIS 145, 146, 160, 162, 165, 180, 185, 245, or 262.

Additional requirements for BFA with a Visual Arts major

Additional program requirements will be met in part by fulfilling the requirements noted above. The following must also be included in the 120 credits required for the BFA:

  • 60 studio credits, including 30 upper-level credits.
  • 33 arts and lab science credits, including 12 upper-level credits (this includes the BFA general requirements in the areas of writing, lab science, and reasoning, as well as 21 credits in Art History).
  • At least 15 upper-level credits that count towards the major must be completed as UFV.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts general requirements must be satisfied.
  • The following courses must be completed at UFV, and may not be aquired through transfer or PLAR: AH 401/VA 401, VA 402, AH 403/VA 403, and VA 404.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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