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Fine Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts degree

Entrance requirements

Option 1: High school (for students with high school graduation only)

1. B.C. Secondary school graduation or equivalent.

2. B in English 12.

3. Portfolio review and possible interview.

Students who do not meet these requirements will be considered for the Visual Arts Diploma or Arts Studies program path.

Option 2: University entrance (for students who have attended some post-secondary school)

Completion of a minimum of 15 university-level credits in BFA-related disciplines (see Note) with a minimum of 2.33 GPA, and an overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 on all courses attempted.
Completion of a minimum of nine university-level credits in BFA-related disciplines (see Note) with a GPA of 3.0 or better, and an overall cumulative GPA of 2.33 on all courses attempted.
A UFV diploma in Visual Arts, Fashion Design, Graphic and Digital Design, or Theatre Arts.
A UFV Associate of Arts degree with an option in Theatre or MACS.

Applicants who do not meet the requirements for entrance under Option 2 will be considered under Option 1, and will need to submit a portfolio of work to determine eligibility.

Note: For the purpose of Admissions, credits earned in the following BFA-related disciplines will be considered: Art History, Fashion Design, Film Studies, Graphic Design, Media and Communication Studies, Theatre, and Visual Arts. Credits earned in Creative Writing courses offered by the English department will also be considered: ENGL 104, 111, 165, 211, 212, 213, 215, 302, 303, 311, 313, 315, 317, 373, 377, 378, 381.

Applicants must satisfy the English language proficiency requirement. For details on how this requirement may be met, see English language proficiency requirement in the Admissions section of the calendar.

Students who do not meet these requirements will be considered for the Visual Arts Diploma or Arts Studies program path.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall and Winter semesters. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission form to the Office of the Registrar (OReg). You can apply online or download an application form at Application forms are also available from any OREG or Student Services office.

Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions you have attended showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details. To retain your original application date, order early so transcripts arrive within two weeks of the date your application is mailed or submitted.

2. When your application has been processed by the Office of the Registrar, you will receive information on program orientation and portfolio submission dates, and a copy of the portfolio guidelines. Applicants under Option 1 must submit a portfolio of recently created art works and accompanying documentation, as directed in the portfolio guidelines. The portfolio is not due at the time of application, but will be submitted and reviewed in April for the Fall intake and in October for the Winter intake. All applicants must attend a program orientation. Applicants who reside outside the Lower Mainland area should contact the BFA educational advisor for alternate arrangements. 

3. You will be advised of an admission decision and, if accepted, will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the second week of classes.

4. In cases where course work is in progress, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements is due the end of the first week in August for the September intake.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the Option 2 entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted. Applicants in Option 1 will be notified of their admission status after the portfolio review process is completed.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100 per course. There are other related costs which must be considered over the four-year program:

  • Materials: approximately $3,600
  • Photography students will require a 35mm SLR camera

Standing required for continuance

All students accepted into the BFA program at UFV are expected to maintain acceptable standards of scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 CGPA on all courses. Six credits in Art History with a minimum cumulative grade of 2.0 must be attained by the end of 60 credits in the BFA Visual Arts major.

Probation/Academic Warning

A student who has a CGPA lower than 2.0 or who has not completed six credits in Art History with a minimum cumulative grade of 2.0 by the end of 60 credits will be placed on Academic Warning for the next semester. A student on Academic Warning may not register in a course overload. A student on Academic Warning who achieves a single semester GPA of at least 2.0 will continue on Academic Warning until the CGPA equals or exceeds 2.0. Warning will take place in accordance with UFV's Academic Warning policy (79).

Requirement to withdraw

Students who do not achieve a semester GPA of at least 2.0 while they are on Academic Warning will be required to withdraw from the program. Students who have been required to withdraw from the BFA program may continue to take courses as Arts Studies students; however, they may not register for any upper-level courses.

Course repetition

Students may not register for a course more than twice. Where a course has been repeated, only the higher grade will be counted in the GPA calculation.


A student who is required to withdraw from the BFA program must submit an appeal for readmission to the BFA educational advisor if he/she wishes to resume studies in the degree program. Students who have been required to withdraw will be advised to complete a further nine credits of academic work or to repeat a similar amount of academic work taken previously in order to demonstrate their academic abilities. Appeals must be received at least three months before the start of the semester for which a student has applied. Readmission is not automatic. If readmitted, students will be placed on Academic Warning again, subject to the conditions for Academic Warning as described above.


A student must complete at least 60 credits of the credits required for the BFA at UFV. At least 30 of these credits must be at the upper-level. Transfer credits and credits earned through prior learning assessment, which includes course challenge, do not meet this requirement. Students should consult the calendar section for their major of choice, as there may be additional residency requirements for specific courses of study.


It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all program requirements are met. This should be done by regular consultation with the BFA educational advisor.

  • GPA of at least 2.0 GPA on all program courses.
  • Student participation in a graduation exhibition. Intention to participate should be registered with the BFA advisor during the semester prior to program completion.
  • Students who wish to attend the graduation ceremony in June must apply by April 1, and complete program requirements by April 30.

Co-operative Education option

The Co-operative Education option provides students with the opportunity to acquire paid, career-related work experience in conjunction with their studies in the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program. See the Co-operative Education section for more details.

Bachelor of Fine Arts requirements

There are three sets of requirements to note:

1. BFA program requirements

2. BFA general requirements

3. Discipline requirements for major, extended minors, and minors (see individual disciplines)

BFA program requirements

To receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, students must complete the requirements for a Visual Arts major or two extended minors in accepted BFA-related disciplines: Art History, Creative Writing, Fashion, Graphic and Digital Design, Media and Communication Studies, Theatre, or Visual Arts. Alternatively, a minor or extended minor in most of these areas may be completed in addition to the Visual Arts major. A minor in Business may also be added to the Visual Arts major.

Students admitted to the degree should seek advice from the BFA educational advisor. A formal declaration of program choice should be made and approved by the BFA educational advisor after the completion of 30 credits towards the degree (see the Declaration of major, extended minors, and minors section below).

Students in BFA degree programs must complete a minimum of 120 credits:

  • At least 45 of the 120 credits must be at the 300/400 level.
  • At least 60 credits must be completed at UFV, of which 30 must be upper-level.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts general requirements must be satisfied.
  • A minimum CGPA of 2.0 in the BFA program and a minimum CGPA of 2.0 in all upper-level credits is required.
  • Pre-college or preparatory courses will not satisfy program requirements.

All UFV courses specified for degree programs, for the Teacher Education program, and for the TESL certificate program are acceptable for the elective credits remaining after requirements for any major, extended minor, and/or minor have been met. Of these remaining credits, up to 12 credits may be chosen from any UFV course, 100 level or higher, including credits earned in the Co-operative Education program.

BFA general requirements

Students in all BFA degree programs will complete the following general requirements.

Writing requirement

Six credits from ENGL 105 (see Note 1) and any other 100-level English course, or CMNS 155, or ARTS 100 (see Note 2).

Note 1: Students who received an A in English 12 (or equivalent*), ENGL 091, or ENGL 099 may replace the ENGL 105 requirement with any ENGL course numbered 108 or higher.

*The following courses are considered equivalent to English 12: English Literature 12, English 12 First Peoples, International Baccalaureate English A (standard level or higher level), and Advanced Placement English.

UFV’s policy is that when a provincial exam is written for English 12, the higher of the school grade or the blended final grade is used.

Note 2: ARTS 100 can be used to meet three credits of the the writing requirement and meet the reasoning requirement.

Reasoning requirement

PHIL 100 or ARTS 100 (see Note 1), or at least three credits from each of the following lists:

Humanities list Social Sciences list
  • AH 205, 316   • ANTH 255, 301
  • CMNS 251, 360   • ECON 100
  • ENGL 150, 364   • GEOG 241, 452
  • HIST 300   • STAT 104
  • MATH 265   • PSYC 202 (see Note 2), 408
  • THEA 201, 453   • SOC 350

Note 1: ARTS 100 meets both the writing requirement and the reasoning requirement.

Note 2: This requirement may be met by PSYC 210 if previously completed.

Lab Science requirement

One course from:

  • ASTR 103 or 104
  • BIO 100-level or higher
  • CHEM 100-level or higher
  • CIS 145, 146, 180, 185, or 245
  • GEOG 101, 102, or 116
  • KPE 163 or 170
  • PHYS 100-level or higher
  • PSYC 202 (see Note)

Note: This requirement may be met by PSYC 210 or PSYC 220 if previously completed.

Elective Note: Theatre Practica

BFA students may use a maximum of six credits from Theatre practica courses toward elective requirements in the degree program. Theatre practica courses include THEA 199, 299, 290, and 295. Since each production represents a unique project, students may repeat THEA 199 or 299 once for further elective credit towards the BFA degree, within the six credit maximum. Additional credit will only be granted when the work undertaken in each practicum represents a different production role.

Programs of study within the BFA degree

UFV offers a major in Visual Arts, and extended minors and minors in seven disciplines related to fine arts: Art History, Creative Writing, Fashion, Graphic and Digital Design, Media and Communication Studies, Theatre, and Visual Arts. Graduation requirements can be met by completing the course of study for the major, or by completing the course of study for two extended minors. Minors in these subject areas may be added at the student's discretion to either the major or a double extended minor program. Unfortunately, minors are not available in the BFA from other Arts areas.

Additional requirements for BFA with a Visual Arts major

See the Visual Arts major for details on course requirements.

Additionally, the 120 BFA credits must include:

  • 60 studio credits, including 30 upper-level credits.
  • 33 arts and lab science credits, including 12 upper-level credits (this includes the BFA general requirements in the areas of writing, lab science, and reasoning, as well as 21 credits in Art History).
  • At least 15 upper-level credits that count towards the major must be completed at UFV.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts general requirements must be satisfied.

Double extended minor requirements

Students wishing to concentrate on two subject areas can earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree by completing two of the following extended minors:

Note: The BFA degree must contain at least one creative practice discipline. Extended minors in Art History and Media and Communications Studies cannot be combined with each other in the BFA degree. Students wishing to combine these two disciplines should pursue a BA degree.

To receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a double extended minor, students must complete all designated requirements in two discipline areas, plus one course from each of the following three areas:

  • Visual Literacy: At least 3 credits from ENGL 165, ENGL 377, any Film Studies course, any Graphic Design course, or any Visual Arts course.
  • Performance Literacy: At least 3 credits from ENGL 211, ENGL 381, or any Theatre course except THEA 201, THEA 202, or THEA 401.
  • Historical/Critical Literacy: At least 3 credits from any Art History course, ENGL 115, ENGL 264, ENGL 364, or ENGL 373, FD 193, IPK 277, any MACS course, PHIL 250, PHIL 251, PHIL 252, THEA 201, THEA 202, or THEA 401.

Students admitted to the degree should seek advice from the BFA educational advisor regarding requirements. Declarations should be made with the BFA educational advisor when lower-level requirements for each extended minor have been completed, and at least 30 credits have been completed.

Additionally, of the 120 BFA credits:

  • 65 must be in Arts subjects.
  • At least 15 credits must be completed at the upper level in each of two extended minor disciplines (see individual subject areas for specific extended minor requirements).
  • Residency requirements must be met: at least seven upper-level credits counting towards each extended minor must be completed at UFV.
  • The Bachelor of Fine Arts general requirements must be satisfied.
  • Students completing a double extended minor must also complete a breadth requirement of nine credits in three areas: Visual Literacy, Performance Literacy, Historical/Critical Literacy. These credits must be exclusive of the work completed for the discipline requirements of the extended minors.

Declaration of major, extended minors, and minors

Students who have been admitted to the Bachelor of Fine Arts program may formally declare a major, extended minors, or minors after they have completed at least 30 credits in the program with a minimum 2.0 CGPA on all credits attempted.

The declaration requirements of the subject discipline must also be met:

  • Students declaring the Visual Arts major must have completed the studio introduction courses (VA 113, VA 115, VA 116, and one of either VA 160 or VA 180) and six credits of Art History with a minimum GPA of 2.33.
  • Students declaring a minor or extended minor must have completed all lower-level requirements for the specified program with a minimum CGPA of 2.33.

Formal declaration is completed by appointment with the BFA educational advisor. Students admitted to the BFA will have access to available reserved seating.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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Copyright © UFV 2014. 33844 King Road, Abbotsford, BC, Canada V2S 7M8
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