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Campus Recreation

Rules and Guiding Principles

Anyone participating in Organized drop-in or Sport Leagues is expected to be familiar with the following sport rules and guiding principles. Guiding principles contain vital information regarding player eligibility, policies, procedures, and league rules. 

The purpose of the rec sports at UFV is for participants to enjoy a fun, safe and fair playing environment, while promoting healthy lifestyle options and social engagement. By voluntarily participating in Campus Recreation sports, activities and events, ALL participants agree to the following code of conduct:  

  • Demonstrating self-control and proper conduct is required at all times.
  • Respect toward one another and fair play are expected at all times. Disrespectful conduct or other specified yet inappropriate behaviour during the Campus Recreation activities will not be tolerated, and such actions will be handled by the Recreation Program Coordinator immediately. This includes, but not limited to:
    • any act of physical assault, verbal assaults, threats and attempts to intimidate;
    • throwing of articles in a deliberate or aggressive manner, aggressively approaching another individual, or striking another individual;
    • attempting to prod or incite violence in others in or around the facility.
  • To treat the facilities and equipment with care and respect in a manner that ensures their maintenance is kept and use is preserved.
  • Participants under the influence of alcohol or drugs are prohibited to participate in any recreational activity or have access to recreational facilities on the campus.

Those demonstrating inappropriate behaviour or language will be denied entry or be asked to leave. Their membership may also be cancelled and banned from the facility.

Team Captains are integral to the success and enjoyment of intramural league sports. They are a vital link in the communication process between the Sport Organizers and the individual participants. Captains are responsible for obtaining and understanding all intramural league information, passing it on to team members and keeping up-to-date on schedule changes. Captains are team leaders, both on and off the court. It’s not for everyone – so be sure to read the following carefully before signing up.

All captains must:

  • Attend the mandatory Captain's Meeting. Dates will be listed on the Intramural Sport League page.
  • Maintain a cooperative attitude with all intramural staff and officials; serves as an example of respect and fair play to others and to the rules
  • Inform all players of policies, procedures and rules 
  • Ensure that their team abides by the League Rules and Code of Conduct and play fairly and with respect
  • Ensure players sign in on game sheets before each competition
  • Ensure that the team is aware of each week’s playing schedule
  • Make sure that your team’s first priority is to have fun through healthy competition.
  • Inform the Sport Organizer as soon as possible if your team is unable to attend a game by emailing

UFV is committed to providing a learning and working environment that is safe, respectful and inclusive of all members of the university community. Therefore, Campus Recreation promotes an environment free of discriminatory, inappropriate, and disrespectful conduct or communication. Campus Recreation reserves the right to disallow any team name that we feel is unacceptable. In the event we choose to remove a team name we will change the team name to the captain’s name until a suitable replacement name is provided. Once the league begins, your team name is still subject to change if any concerns are raised over its intended nature.

    Before every game, all participants must check-in at the front desk or with the Sport Organizer with their UFV Campus Card and insure they have their name on the game sheet.
    There will be NO exceptions.

    Students, staff, faculty, alumni are eligible to participate in Intramural Leagues, with current UFV students having priority.

    All participants must scan their UFV Campus Card bar code for purpose of sign-in and eligibility. Any participant without a proper UFV Campus Card may be deemed ineligible to play. 

    Ineligible players include, but are not limited to:

    • Current varsity athletes in the same or similar sport
    • Individuals who do not have a UFV Campus Card
    • Suspended or delinquent participants
    • Players not identified on original roster submission
    • Players not identified on the original roster, are not eligible to play on the game sheet, unless approved by Sport Organizers, a minimum of 24 hours before the start of a game.
    • Teams caught using ineligible players may be penalized by being required to forfeit the game that the ineligible player participated in or being removed from the league.
    • Participants may only register on one team per sport.

    Sport Organizers will make every effort to update standings weekly on social media and the Intramural bulletin board.

    Teams will receive the following points in the standings for every sport:

    • 3 points for a win
    • 2 points for a tie
    • 1 point for a loss
    • 0 points for a forfeit
    • -3 points for a default

    In the case of a tie in the standings, tie-breakers will occur as follows:

    • win
    • goals for or against ratio

      A participant who is in violation of the above rules or for inappropriate conduct must prepare a typed statement detailing the events and solutions on how they will ensure this behavior will not occur again. The typed statement must be submitted to the Program Manager, Campus Recreation and Wellness before being considered for reinstatement to the league or access to the facility.

      Typed statement must detail the following:

      • An in-depth explanation of the event(s) and any relevant information that preceded the event(s)
      • Explain what you believe should be an appropriate punishment, as a result of your unsuitable actions
      • Explain what plans you have to avoid a repeat occurrence of your actions

      After submission of the typed statement it will be reviewed by the Program Manager, Campus Recreation and Wellness. Depending on the severity of the offence it may also be shared with the Director of Athletics & Campus Recreation and/or Director of Student Life & Development for further discussion. A meeting will then be arranged between the suspended individual and the Disciplinary committee (Program Manager, Campus Recreation & Wellness, Director of Athletics & Campus Recreation and the Director of Student Life & Development). This meeting must take place before the suspended individual is eligible to return to play or have access to the Recreational facilities.

      Appeal of a suspension

      Appeals for a suspended player will only be accepted within three business days of the date when the final suspension ruling has been communicated. Appeals can be dropped off at the office E150 in a sealed envelope labeled Attention: Program Manager, Campus Recreation and Wellness.

      Appeals will be dealt with on a weekly basis. Final decisions on the appeal will be made by the Program Manager, Campus Recreation and Wellness within 10 school days or receiving the appeal letter, after which the individual will be notified of the decision.


      A default occurs when a team fails to arrive at the playing surface with the correct minimum number of players. The clock in the gymnasium will be used for this purpose. If the clock is not working, the Sport Organizers cell phone or watch will be used.

      The following action will result when a team defaults:

      • The team will lose 3 points in the standings for the game not played
      • The opposing team (provided they are prepared to play) will receive 2 points
      • If a team defaults a second time they will be lose 5 points in the standings
      • If it happens a third time they will be removed from the league. If a team is removed from the league Opponents games will be rescheduled based on the facility availability


      If you know you that you cannot field a team, forfeits will be accepted 12 hours in advance of a scheduled game. This will give the Sport Organizers time to notify all participants, officials and facility staff of the cancellation. Reporting a forfeit game will result in being issued a 0 points for the game not played, rather than losing points. If notice is give with at least one week notice game will be rescheduled depending on gym availability and confirmation of the opposing team. Games are not guaranteed to be rescheduled.

        Only protests concerning the eligibility of players or misapplication of a rule will be reviewed. Judgment calls by the officials are not protestable.

        Player eligibility protests: Team Captain must inform the official that they wish to protest the eligibility of an opposing player prior to the completion of the game in question. As soon as a player eligibility protest is filed, a full review of the eligibility of players on both teams will take place. Team Captain must also file a protest in writing with the Sport Organizer within 48 hours of the contest in the regular season, and within one hour of the contest in playoffs and tournaments.

        Rule interpretations protest: Team Captain must inform the official that they are protesting the interpretation of the rule at the time of the incident and before play resumes. Team Captain must also file a protest in writing to the Sport Organizer within 48 hours of the contest in the regular season, and within one hour of the contest in playoffs and tournaments.

          • Any person showing signs of blood on their person or clothing will be immediately removed from a game or activity and will not be permitted back into an activity until the clothing has been removed and the blood flow stopped.
          • Teams and players are asked to bring clothing to a game just for this occurrence.
          • If a body fluid spill occurs on the playing area the game will be delayed until such time that the spill can be appropriately cleaned and sterilized.

            Sport Rules

            The Game

            Length of Game

            • Games will consist of two 25-minute halves. Half time will be 5-minutes
            • Play stops at whistle
            • 15-minutes will be allotted to warm-up at the start at each game. (i.e. 7:00-7:15pm, 8:15-8:30pm)


            • Teams should have a minimum of 8 players and max of 12.
            • 5 players on the floor at once, rolling subs throughout the game

            Start of Game

            • First ball will be decided by a coin toss
            • The ball must be stationary for kickoff
              • The ref will whistle before kickoff can occur
              • Upon kickoff, the ball may be played forwards or backwards
            • Teams line up on each half of the court. No one may cross the center line until the ball has been played

            Playing the Ball

            • Sliding tackles are not allowed but players are allowed to slide on the field (e.g., to stop a ball from going out of play, to direct a pass towards the net, etc, so long as there are no other players nearby that are affected by the player sliding).
            • Headers are not allowed
            • The goalkeeper may play the ball with hands or arms only within the crease
              • The goal crease is the women’s basketball 3 point line
            • Pass-back to the goalkeeper is allowed
              • Passes the halfway line
              • Completes 3 passes
              • Is lost in possession to the other team
              • The goalkeeper may pick up the ball with their hands from a pass-back, however, to prevent back and forth passing between defense and the goalkeeper, they cannot pick the ball up with their hands again until the ball
            • After a goal or to start the second half the ball will be kicked off at the center line
            • Only the South wall is in play, all other boundaries are marked by the outermost line
            • Play stops if the ball hits the ceiling or a basketball hoop
              • Ball is given to the opposite team (that did not put the ball out of play) as a kick-in along the North sideline, in line with where it hit the roof/hoop
            • To tackle or play the ball, players must be on their feet. Tackling can only be made from the front of an opponent whilst they have control of the ball


            Free Kick (Indirect, direct, penalty)

            An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team for the following actions:

            • Intentionally heading the ball
            • Time Violations
            • Impeding of the progress of an opponent when the ball is not being played
            • Preventing the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands
            • The goalkeeper illegally picking the ball up with their hands inside their crease

            A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team for the following actions:

            • Handballs
            • Slide tackling
            • Kicking, or attempting to kick an opponent
            • Tripping, or attempting to trip an opponent
            • Tackling an opponent
            • Pushing an opponent
            • Striking or attempting to strike an opponent
            • Charging an opponent
            • Holding an opponent

            Taking a free kick:

            • Direct free kicks may be taken right away, unless the referee has stepped onto the court to mark out 3 meters
            • The ball must be stationary when the kick is taken. Opposition players may form a wall but must stand 3 meters from the free kick spot

            A penalty kick is awarded if the player commits any of the above offenses within their own penalty area while the ball is in play:

            • The penalty kick will be taken from the top of the free-throw line. All players except the kicker and the goalkeeper (on the goal line) but be outside the penalty area
            • The kicker may only take one step forward into the kick

            Advantage or “play-on” will be played in an effort to keep the play going.

            Foul Accumulation

            If a team commit five fouls during the game the fifth foul will be taken as a penalty kick. Any additional fouls will also be penalty kicks.

            Disciplinary Penalties

            The Sport Organizers have the authority to penalize players and make them sit off. For serious offenses the Sport Organizer is able to kick players out of the game.

            Cautionable offenses (yellow card) 3-minute penalty

            • Excessive or repeated fouls
            • Unsportsmanlike behaviour
            • Purposeful delay of game
            • Accidental slide-tackling (e.g. sliding to try to keep the ball in play but by doing so interferes or contacts with another player)
            • Over aggressive play
            • Constant arguing

            Serious offenses (red card) Not returning to play until reviewed (see handbook)

            • Intentional slide-tackling an opponent
            • Violent conduct
            • Excessive verbal abuse
            • Spitting at opponents, officials or spectators
            • Denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity
            • Two yellow cards in one game

            Misconduct and Card System

            Misconduct will be monitored by applying the yellow and red card system as follows:

            1. Yellow Card
              Offending player must exit the game for 3 minutes, during this time their team must play down a player (4 on the court), unless the opposing team scores. In which case they may have another player court, but not the offending player enter the court.
            2. Red Card
              When a red card is issued, the player is to be ordered off the court and they cannot be replaced or substituted. The team will have to play with 4 players on the court for the remainder of the game. The offending player will serve a minimum 1 game suspension, but may be increased under the discretion of the referees and sport organizers.


            Guiding Principles

            • UFV Campus Recreation Drop-in Sport and Intramural Leagues place a high value on sportsmanship. Referees, team captains, and players are all responsible for the proper conduct of the game. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
            • The referee’s judgment is final for all decisions regarding gameplay
            • All players must present their UFV Campus Card to the Sport Organizer or Client Service Desk (E105) prior to participating.
            • All players must have filled out a Campus Rec waiver to be eligible to play

            Team Captains

            • Captains should be the only ones who discuss league or game disputes with officials
            • Are responsible for ensuring all players on their team are eligible to play
            • Responsible for ensuring their team knows the schedule

            All Players

            • Must be wearing appropriate footwear (NOT bare feet, sandals, or flip flops – marking shoes not advised)


              League Rules

              • All games will be a duration of 36 minutes running time | 18 minute halves
              • Points will be counted as 2’s & 3’s | inside the arc =2 | outside the arc=3
              • One time out allowed per half (1 min duration) | 2 TO total per game
              • Overtime will be 2 minutes stop time
              • Each game will consist of 1 referee | 1 score keeper (Potential to be a player from each team who is not playing at that timeslot)
              • 2 minute warm up prior to each game
              • Team with highest score at end of regulation will win the game 

              Fouls and Violation

              Fouls Foul - Illegal physical contract - hitting, pushing, holding, slapping - stops motion of intended action by the offensive player 

              Technical Foul -unsportsmanlike conduct. Foul language, obscene gestures, arguing, and fighting.  

              • Shooting foul will consist of 1shot. 1 shot for 2points inside arc or 3points outside arc 
              • Shooting Foul - act of shooting motion or attempted shot 
              • Non-Shooting will result in a side out or baseline out of bounds 
              • 5 personal fouls allowed for each player | Disqualification on the 5th Foul 
              • Technical fouls will consist of 1 foul shot worth 1 point. 
              • 2 technical fouls per game will consist of an ejection 

              Violations illegal action of game play. Results in losing the ball (possession) 

              Types of Violation

              • Travelling - taking more than two steps after dribbling. 
              • Double Dribble - Picking up dribble than dribbling again 
              • Back-Court Violation-Once the offence crosses the ball at mid-court line they cannot go back across the line. 
              • Jump Ball-Two or more opposing players gain possession of the ball at the same time. Possession will be dictated by the possession arrow. 


                Objective of Volleyball

                The objective of the sport volleyball is for each team to send the ball over the net to land on the opponent's court, while also preventing the ball from landing on their own court. This is done by hitting the ball over the net with any part of the body (mainly with your arms). The ball is put into play by the player who serves the ball over the net. Games will be played in best of 3 sets, the team with the most won sets will win the match.

                Players & Equipment

                Each team will have 6 players on the court at any one time. Substitutions can be used throughout each set. Each player will take up a position in either the attack zone (front row - next to the net) or the defensive zone (back row - back of the court). Three players are in each zone and will rotate clockwise one position after each point.

                Outside of the court lines is considered to be out of bounds. If the ball were to bounce in this section, then a point would be awarded to the opposing team. 

                Each team is allowed up to 2 timeouts per set lasting 30 seconds each. After each set the number of timeouts is reset back to 2 regardless of how many previously used. 


                In order to score a point, the ball must hit the ground within the opponent’s court. You can also score a point by your opponent hitting the ball out of bounds or hitting their ball into the net. A point can be scored off of either team’s service. 

                The player who is serving must do so from behind the baseline and can use either an over or underarm action and must hit the ball with only the hand. Once the service has been made the server can join their team in game-play and battle out the point.

                Each team is allowed 3 consecutive touches on the ball before it must be returned over the net. A player is not allowed to hit the ball twice in succession. If the ball hits the boundary line the ball is considered to be in-play. The defensive team can jump and block the ball returning to their side of the court. If a block attempt is made and the ball bounces into their opponent’s half, a point is awarded. If after the block is made the ball bounces out, the point is awarded to the opposing team.

                Each set is played up to 25 points and must be won by 2 points. If the score reaches 24-24 then the game is played until one team leads by 2.

                Winning the Game

                In order to win the game, you must score more points than the opposing team. The best of 5 sets played, the first team to reach the required number of sets wins.

                Rules of Volleyball

                • Each team consists of 6 players on the court and 2 substitutes. Players can be substituted at any time, but if they are to return, they can only replace the player that replaced them.
                • Each team can hit the ball 3 consecutive times before the ball must be returned. The defensive team can then try to block or return the ball again after passing it a maximum of 3 times.
                • Games are played up to 25 points and must be won by 2 clear points.
                • Violations will be called for the following:
                • Stepping over the base line when serving the ball.
                • Ball hits the net and fails to get over the net (If the ball hits the net and still goes over the net then this is perfectly legal).
                • Players carry, palm or run with the ball.
                • Players touch the net with any part of the body. If the net is said to have hit them rather than vice-versa, then this is okay.
                • The ball travels under the net.
                • Players reach over the net and hit the ball. 

                  We would like to kindly remind badminton players of the rules on and off court:

                  • Please be gentle and respectful to the equipment. Do not squish or step on shuttlecocks. Racquets are fragile and are not to be hit on walls, floor, or with other racquets.
                  • Return all shuttlecocks and badminton racquets when finished. Extra equipment replacement costs may be put back on participants.
                  • Each badminton game is played up to 21 which is approximately 10 minutes. After completion of the game, please allow other players to play as well.
                  • Due to the growing number of players, we will be implementing a turn system. We will have a whiteboard where players can sign up and wait their turn for an open court. Due to volume, we will not be allowing single player games as we want more people to play. We recommend doubles/mixed games.
                  • Please be aware of games that are in progress. At any time, players should NOT walk onto other badminton courts while a game is in session. It is extremely dangerous, and you may be hurt by running into another person, or getting hit by the racquet.
                  • Please wear footwear appropriate for physical activity. Bare feet and shoes that leave marks are not advised.
                  • When leaving, please throw away any garbage and recycle any recyclables you brought along.  

                    If you are just starting out learning the sport of Pickleball, do not worry about the rules, go out and have fun. Over time you will start to learn the rules and this page will become a good resourse. Happy Pickleballing!

                    Two Bounce Rule

                    During the start of a rally, the ball must bounce twice, on each side of the court before you can “volley” or “smash” it. The serving team must stay back and wait until it bounces back on their side of the court before they can move up and play it in the air.

                    Non-Volley Zones

                    The non-volley zone is referred to as the “kitchen”. It is designed for safety from smashes and creates longer rallies. You can not step on the NV-line or into the NV-Zone when making a volley shot, a shot in the air. Your forward momentum cannot take you into the NV-zone after you hit the ball even if it is missed on the other side. No article of clothing, jewellery or paddle can fall into the zone on a volley or it is a fault. Your hat or paddle falling in is considered a fault.

                    Key points

                    This only applies when you are volleying or hitting the ball in the air. You can step in after making a ground stroke. You can go into the NV-zone to get a ball that bounces in there first. You can stand in the NV-zone all day if you want, you just can not play the ball in the air. It is a fault if you step in even after the ball is missed or hit by the opponents.


                    The player that is standing in the right-hand service area of the serving side always starts. That player is server number 1 for this sequence only. The next time they get the serve, their partner maybe in the right court to start and they become server number 1.
                    The sequence for announcing the score is as follows; serving team’s score first, opponents score second and server number third. So if the server announces 3, 4, 1, the serving team has 3 points, the opposing team has 4 points and server number 1 is serving. If the serving team wins a point, the score would be 4, 4, 1. The serving team switches courts after winning a point but the receiving team stays as is.
                    Remember the server only gets one fault and they lose their serve. You only get one chance to get your serve in, not two as in tennis.

                    • The game of Pickleball is usually played to a score of 11.
                    • The winning team must win by two points or play continues until one team wins by 2.
                    • In tournament play, games can be played to 15 or 21. Unlike tennis or badminton, only the serving team can win a point.
                    • The receiving team must get the “side down” and get the serve back before earning points.
                    • You earn a point when the other team commits a fault. Faults are described below.


                    To start the game, teams may decide to rally for serve playing the ball three times over the net before it is in play. Often, one team just decides to start. The team serving first gets only one serve their first time. This rule helps prevent “blow” out games with one team getting a large number of points to start. The server making the first serve should announce 0, 0, 2. The score is 0, 0, and because the team gets only one serve, the server is number 2. When the serve switches to the other side that team gets two serves and play continues that way until a score of 11 is reached.

                    The server must serve underhand making contact with the ball below the waist. The top of the paddle face must be below the wrist and the server must have both feet behind the service line at the time of contact with the ball. The ball must be served to the diagonally opposite court and it must be clearly in the service area. The ball cannot hit any part of the non-volley zone including the non-volley line. A serve that hits the net but lands in the service area is called a “let” and is reserved. Before serving the ball, the server should make sure all players are ready. Take a minute to check to make sure your partner is ready and that the opposing team is ready.
                    If you are receiving the serve but you or your partner are not ready, hold up your hand or paddle. If the server serves to you anyway, do not swing at the ball and call for a “let” serve because you were not ready. Returning the ball indicates you were ready and the point stands.

                    Calling Lines

                    Pickleball like most racquet sports relies on the integrity of the players in calling shots in or out. The rule of etiquette suggests that players will call the lines as honestly and fairly as they can. Players should call the lines on their side of the net and opponents will do the same on their side. Opponents should never make a call on the other side of the net unless they are asked. If a team cannot decide on a line call, then the benefit always goes to the opponent. If a team asks for an opinion from an opponent, that decision is final. Again, fairness is the rule of the day. Remember it is only a game. Keeping this in mind, will prevent conflict on the court.


                    • A point is earned or a serve is lost if a fault occurs. Remember, as in volley ball a point can only be scored by the serving team. A fault occurs on a serve when the ball hits short of the service court including the non-volley line. If the ball is served to the wrong court, long behind the back service line or out of the bounds that is a fault.
                    • After the serve, a fault occurs if a player steps in the non-volley court or on the non-volley line while making a volley shot. If the ball is hit into the net or other permanent object such as the pole, that is a fault.
                    • A balls that hit outside the boundary lines of the court are considered out and a fault. If the ball hits a player they have committed a fault. On the serve, if a ball is hit into the wrong court and the opposing player in that court is hit or catches the ball that is considered a fault on the receiving team.
                    • A player should not catch a ball that is heading out of bounds because that is considered a fault as well. Always let the ball bounce first. An indication of an out ball should be made by yelling out or by hand jester indicating out. This should be done quickly.
                    • Failing to hit the ball before it bounces twice is a fault. However, if the ball bounces twice off your paddle while you are making a continuous forward motion, this is legal. If the ball hits any part of your paddle hand, the hand below the wrist, is considered part to the paddle and legal.
                    • If a ball hits a player or his/her clothing, while standing on or off the court during a rally, this is a fault and a point for the opponents.