Jasmin Kaur, Published YA author
I'm so grateful to have taken several courses in UFV's Creative Writing Program during my English undergrad. The literary experience that I gained through Michelle Superle’s and Andrea MacPherson's creative writing courses was instrumental in my signing of a two-book North American deal with HarperTeen (the Young Adult imprint of HarperCollins) and an international deal with Penguin Random House India. Through the poetry and fiction that I wrote, revised and fine-tuned with Michelle and Andrea, my debut manuscript proposal went to auction with four different publishers, which ultimately allowed me to choose the editor and publishing house that I most meaningfully connected with.
Michelle Superle's children's and young adult literature courses provided me with a critical lens with which to read YA and draft compelling YA fiction. Andrea MacPherson's poetry courses allowed me to fine-tune my use of language, emotional resonance and cohesive narrative in my poetry. The strong repertoire of literary tools provided by both of these facilitators allowed my manuscript and proposal to stand out amidst many other poetry manuscripts.
I can't thank Andrea and Michelle enough for opening doors into the literary world for me and helping me pursue my childhood dream of being an author.
Photo credit: Tajinder Kaur