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Submit to the Louden Singletree literary magazine

If you are submitting a visual or literature piece for the Louden Singletree, please fill out the form below and attach your contribution. For questions about submission deadlines or other info, please contact the Editorial Board at

Although multiple submissions are encouraged, only one contribution may be submitted per form.

To ensure that your submissions are valid and not returned to you, please follow the Louden singletree's submission guidelines.

Lacey Hall UFV Alumni English

After graduating from UFV, I was hired as assistant to the Dean of Arts at Kwantlen Polytechnic University; I believe that the experience of taking an Honours major was a great asset to me in my interview as I was able to demonstrate exceptional work ethic, the ability to work closely on projects, and collaborate with others

  • – Lacey Hall
  •    UFV English grad, currently working on her Masters at UBC