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Thurs May 6 detailed schedule

May 6, 2021 | Presentation 1

We’ll Get There Together! Collaborative Opportunities for Small BC Cultural Heritage Organisations


The challenges of 2020 have forced BC’s cultural heritage institutions to reprioritise their approach to putting cultural content online. For small BC galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM) and Indigenous communities, making cultural collections accessible online is an urgent but complex and resource intensive process many do not have capacity for. In this session you’ll learn how 42 small GLAM sector organisations like the Grunt Gallery and the North Pacific Cannery Museum, are taking advantage of supported hosting for their digital content in Arca, BC’s award-winning collaborative digital repository You’ll hear about the support available for making your organisation's digital content discoverable in this publicly-funded, open source online repository, including batch upload, access controls, use of Traditional Knowledge labels and metadata wrangling. This includes a no-cost option for past, present and future recipients of BC History Digitization Program grants, offered through a partnership between the BC Electronic Library Network (BC ELN) and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC) at the University of British Columbia Library.



Sunni Nishimura

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