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Fri May 7 detailed schedule

May 7, 2021 | Keynote address

Re/Searching History; The Diary of Dukesang Wong

Re/Searching History;  The Diary of Dukesang Wong

Searching for missing links in our history requires both faith and stubbornness; faith that they exist and stubbornness to keep going when everything indicates that your faith is misplaced. The Diary of Dukesang Wong wasn’t supposed to exist. But people wrote things down, and sometimes those things reappear by dint of blind luck or doggedness or both. Wong’s diary is a missing link that needed both.  


David McIlwraith

David McIlwraith spent a decade searching for, then researching the only known extant first person account of the nineteenth century experience of a Chinese railway labourer in North America. He has also written and directed award-nominated documentaries and television programs, including Celesta FoundThe Lynching of Louie SamIn Chinatown, and Harrowsmith Country Life. He taught in the Drama Departments of both the University of Toronto and the University of Alberta. He lives in Hamilton, Ontario, with his wife and daughter and spends summers with friends on Salt Spring Island. 

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