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Sat May 8 detailed schedule

May 8, 2021 | Presentation 3

Foothills and Mountain Valleys: A Land of Opportunity for Those Who Are Willing


My research focused on the agricultural history of the Front Ranges of the Rockies. The fact that there were so many applications for these endeavors from the Alberta area indicates that there were many individuals across the province attempting to make various plots of land a part of their living, to create a home on, or to benefit economically. The acknowledgment of these attempts at agricultural settlement provide support for the notion that the first non-Indigenous efforts at development in the Front Ranges were not simply comprised of major infrastructure projects, but initially included land settlement efforts by citizens in the area. Furthermore, the evidence we have in this regard suggests that the early non-Indigenous inhabitants of the area were industrious and wanted to take control of opportunities that would allow them and their families to grow alongside the newly developing economic environment around them.


Isabella Bourque (University of Calgary, BA student)

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