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Sat May 8 detailed schedule

May 8, 2021 | Presentation 2

Homesteading Trends in the Parsnip-Finlay Watershed and Front Ranges of the Rockies, 1871-1956


Recovering Archived Historical Gems

Within what seems to be the untamed wilderness of northern British Columbia lies an uncovered trove of history. Although overlooked, there have been numerous attempts by non-Indigenous peoples to develop the land of the secluded Parsnip-Finlay watershed and Front Ranges of the Rockies. Part of a larger research project uncovering the lost history of failed developments within this area, my work involved transcribing homestead records from the Provincial Archives of Alberta and BC to determine the agricultural impacts on the land. Through these records I was able to catch a glimpse of the past. This paper will examine a number of trends that I encountered in my research. In particular, I will examine one record regarding Métis scrip holders desiring to locate land. This solitary research gem highlights the rewarding nature of this work and further acknowledges the many attempts to settle the area.



Aurora Tupechka (University of Alberta, BSc student)

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