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Yvon Dandurand

Yvon Dandurand

Faculty Advisor Emeritus

Criminology & Criminal Justice

Abbotsford campus, A203h

Phone: 604-504-7441,local 4309

email Yvon


Yvon Dandurand is a criminologist  and Faculty member in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of the Fraser Valley. He has many years of experience in the field of development and good governance and, in particular, in the areas of justice policy and law reform. His work involves various law reform and criminal justice capacity building and evaluation projects in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. He represents UFV on the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Canadian Member Council and is the Secretary Treasurer of that Institute.



Research Interests

His work in India, South Asia and South-East Asia includes research policy development in the areas of human rights, juvenile justice, restorative justice, corruption, organized crime and counter-terrorism.


Dandurand, Y. (2009). “Canada-India Research Partnerships in the Fields of Justice, Public Safety and Human Rights”, in Narang, A. S. (Ed.). State, Society and Economy in the 21st Century. Delhi: Manohas, pp. 109-117.

Dandurand, Y. and V. Chin (2009). “Canada’s New Concerted Efforts to Combat Transnational Organized Crime: New Concerns, Emerging Enforcement Practices, and New Legislation”, in Okubo, S. and L. Shelley (Eds.) Human Security, Transnational Crime and Human Trafficking: Asian and Western Perspectives. London: Routledge.

Dandurand, Y. – UNODC (2009). Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism. New York: United Nations.

Lalonde, M. and Y. Dandurand (2009). “Prison Overcrowding and Prison Reform in Post-conflict Societies”, in di Cortemiglia, V. L., Penal Reform and Prison Overcrowding. Turin: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute – UNICRI.

Dandurand, Y, Lalonde, M., Nyapola, A., Shaw, M., Skinnider, E. and T. Waterhouse. (2009). Vulnerable Groups in Southern Sudan Prisons. Abbotsford: UFV Press.

Van Cam, L., Dandurand, Y. Hai, N.K. (2009). “Vietnam-Canada Research Collaboration in Criminal Law and Criminology - Towards an Agenda. Law and Development Journal, N2 /2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Criteria for the Design and Evaluation of Juvenile Justice Reform Programmes, Geneva: Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice. October 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Addressing Inefficiencies in the Criminal Justice Process – A Preliminary Review. A Report prepared for the BC Justice Efficiencies Project, Criminal Justice Reform Secretariat. June 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Strategies for Combating International Organized Crime and Terrorism, Cooperative Development, Peace and Security: Indo-Canadian Cooperation. International seminar organized by the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) and the University of the Fraser Valley, Chandigarh, December 17-18, 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). International Cooperation and Counter-terrorism. Cooperative Development, Peace and Security: Indo-Canadian Cooperation. International seminar organized by the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) and the University of the Fraser Valley, Chandigarh, December 17-18, 2009.

Dandurand, Y., Chin, V. and T. Waterhouse (2009). Peace Building and Justice Institutions in Post-conflict Societies, International Interdisciplinary Conference on "Policy, People and Peace: Democratization of Foreign Policy and Parliamentary Democracies", University of Jammu, Jammu, India, December 14, 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Policy, People and Peace: Canada’s Involvement in Afghanistan, International Interdisciplinary Conference on "Policy, People and Peace: Democratization of Foreign Policy and Parliamentary Democracies", University of Jammu, Jammu, India, December 16, 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Holding the Criminal Justice System Accountable - The Use of Indicators. Workshop on Criminal Justice Responses to Violence Against Women: Linking Local and International Efforts, Vancouver, December 9, 2009

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant, concernant la vente d'enfants, la prostitution des enfants et la pornographie mettant en scène des enfants – Obligations de l’État Haïtien, Atelier de réflexions sur la dynamisation du processus législatif en faveur des enfants vulnérables, MINUSTAH / UNICEF, Port au Prince, Haïti, 31 novembre 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Un cadre juridique pour une lutte plus efficace contre la traite des personnes, Atelier de réflexions sur la dynamisation du processus législatif en faveur des enfants vulnérables, MINUSTAH / UNICEF, Port au Prince, Haïti, 1er décembre 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009). Some of the ‘not so good’ Practices in Combating Organized Crime. Best Practices to Combat Organized Crime Seminar. Ministry of Public Safety Canada, Ottawa: November 17, 2009.

Dandurand, Y. (2009), Justicia alternativa: Programas de justicia restaurativa. Seminario Internacional – Proceso penal acusatorio, justicia alternativa y juicios orales. Guanajuato, GTO, México, Noviembre 12, 2009.

Lalonde, M. and Dandurand, Y (2009). Prison Reform in Post-Conflict Situations. Workshop on Penal Reform and Prison Overcrowding, Eighteen Session of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Vienna, 18 April 2009.

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