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Teaching and Learning Centre

Working with multilingual learners

This section of the Teaching and Learning website offers actionable tips, tools, methods, and strategies for teaching multilingual learners.

Questions, feedback, and suggestions regarding the multilingual learners' resources, as well as any practical strategies you have successfully used in your classroom, may be sent to in the English Language Studies department.

Student Perspectives

Listen to students’ stories about their experiences and their recommendations for supportive strategies.

Classroom practices

Explore practical classroom strategies and discover innovative methods to support multilingual learners in the classroom.

Assessment and feedback

Discover best practices in adapting assessment strategies and providing feedback to multilingual learners. 

Academic integrity and plagiarism

Master how to effectively introduce the concepts of academic honesty and plagiarism to multilingual students.

Intercultural communication

Learn how to engage learners in reflection on diversity-related issues and to facilitate meaningful dialogue and genuine cross-cultural connections in the classroom.

References and additional information

A list of recommended resources to dive deeper into the intricacy of teaching multilingual learners.