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Teaching and Learning Centre

Assessment & grading

Most courses involve the assessment and grading process. But how do you develop assessment activities that measure student learning in a way that is authentic? The resources here will explore ways to develop assessments, tips to set up assessment activities in Blackboard and evaluate those activities.

Assessment & grading workshops


Online workshop

Turnitin promotes academic integrity and writing skills by helping students paraphrase and cite accurately and check their grammar. This tool also enhances academic skills of the students by providing feedback on the content authorship.

See upcoming sessions

Facilitated by Claire Hay, Learning Specialist, and Lorna Andrews, Indigenization Specialist, from the Teaching and Learning Centre, the Community of Practice for Assessment and Holistic Assessment will provide a space for dialogue on all things assessment from both a western and Indigenized perspective.  Each monthly session will be structured in 2 parts: from 8:30-9:30 the conversation will focus on general topics related to assessment and evaluation of student learning; from 9:30-10:30 we will engage in conversations around ways to Indigenize assessment and honour holistic learning.  Come for one or both parts of the conversation.

Sessions will take place on Fridays via Zoom on:

  • September 15th from 8:30-10:30
  • October 13th from 8:30-10:30
  • November 10th from 8:30-10:30
  • December 8th from 8:30-10:30

For more information or to receive the Zoom link, please email Claire at


Assessment & grading videos

How to add a RUBRIC and use it to grade in Blackboard

How to set up Blackboard assignments and the grade center

How to add an assignment dropbox in Blackboard


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