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Teaching and Learning Centre

Faculty Learning Exchange (FLEx) Program

Program Description

The FLEx project involves TLC Learning Specialists partnering with and engaging in learning exchange with faculty instructors from a variety of disciplines. The project has Learning Specialists observing classes and discussing teaching practices that are demonstrated by selected faculty from schools and/or departments. The Learning Specialists visit classes over a period of a week or two, based on faculty schedules. By observing effective teaching practices in different fields, Learning Specialists can deepen their knowledge of discipline-specific pedagogies. In exchange, Learning Specialists can suggest high-impact strategies and curricular designs that support faculty to embed additional effective approaches. The focus on in-situ observations is to promote contextualized and relevant professional learning and lay the foundation for scholarly discussions about teaching and learning.

Aims2 teachers talking and smiling looking at a tablet sitting at a computer desk

  1. To deepen and broaden Learning Specialists’ understanding of discipline-specific teaching and epistemologically aligned practices so that appropriate and effective support can be discussed to enhance teaching and learning within specific fields.
  2. To create a shared vision for excellence in teaching and learning that draws on the strengths of both the faculty instructors and Learning Specialists.
  3. To engage in learning conversations about ways to build on discipline-specific pedagogies and embed Universal Designs for Learning (UDL), Indigenization, technology-integration, constructivist approaches, and culturally responsive pedagogies as examples of effective practices in instructional and curricular designs.
  4. To foster a generative learning relationship between Faculty Instructors and Learning Specialist that celebrates each colleague’s respective areas of expertise.

The FLEx program is in no way tied to IPEC, T&P review, or evaluation models. The Learning Specialists would keep details of observations and discussions confidential beyond the immediate Learning Specialist team. Evaluative data is not gathered.

Expression of Interest

FLEx opportunities exist for the Fall 2025 and Winter 2026 semesters. To express interest in participating in this program, please complete this expression of interest form. To participate in the upcoming semesters, please submit your expression of interest. As this is an ongoing program, please disregard the year stated on the submission form.

QR Code for FLEx 2024-2025