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Out-of-province equivalents to BC

Manitoba high school equivalencies

BC high school graduation = Manitoba secondary school (grade 12) graduation

Communications 12 COM12 English Language Arts: Language and Technical Communication 40S
English 10 EN10 English Language Arts 20F
English 11 EN11 English Language Arts: Comprehensive Focus 30S, or
English Language Arts: Literary Focus 30S, or
English Language Arts: Transactional Focus 30S

English 12 EN12

English Language Arts: Comprehensive Focus 40S, or
English Language Arts: Transactional Focus 40S

English Literature 12 LIT12 English Language Arts: Literary Focus 40S
Apprentice/Workplace Math 10 AMW10 Essential Mathematics 20S
Apprentice/Workplace Math 11 AMW11 Essential Mathematics 30S
Apprentice/Workplace Math 12 AMA12 Essential Mathematics 40S
Foundations Math/Pre-Calc 10 FMP10 Intro to Applied & Pre Calc Math 20S
Foundations of Mathematics 11 FOM11 Applied Math 30S
Foundations of Mathematics 12 FOM12 Applied Math 40S
Pre-Calculus 11 PREC11 Pre-Calculus 30S
Pre-Calculus 12 PREC12 Pre-Calculus 40S
Calculus 12 CALC12 n/a
Biology 11 BI11 Biology 30S
Biology 12 BI12 Biology 40S
Chemistry 11 CH11 Chemistry 30S
Chemistry 12 CH12 Chemistry 40S
Physics 11 PH11 Physics 30S
Physics 12 PH12 Physics 40S
Physical Education    
Physical Education 11 PE11 Physical Education 30F
Physical Education 12 PE12 Physical Education 40F
Approved grade 12 courses    
Comparative Civilizations 12 CCN12 n/a
Economics 12 EC12

Economics 40S

First Nations Studies 12 FNS12 n/a
French 12 FR12  French 40S
German 12 GE12 German 40S
Geography 12 GEO12  Geography: World Human 40S
Geology 12 GEOL12  n/a
History 12 HI12  History Western Civilization 40S
Japanese 12 JA12  Japanese 40S
Law 12 LAW12  Law 40S
Mandarin Chinese 12 MAN12  Chinese Mandarin 40S
Punjabi 12 PUN12 n/a
Spanish 12 SP12  Spanish 40S
Social Justice 12 SJ12  n/a
Sustainable Resources 12 SR12  n/a