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Academic Advising Centre

Bachelor of Business Administration

This guide has been prepared with the information you need to successfully register for your first year at UFV. Please review the information provided on this page thoroughly before contacting your academic advisor with questions.



Through a series of in-class activities, individual assignments, hands-on projects, and industry case studies, you develop an in-depth understanding of key business principles and learn the ins and outs of starting, managing, and growing a business. 


Combining academic studies with paid work terms related to your major is a valuable addition to your program of study and an effective form of professional preparation. 

Learn more about Co-operative Education

Study abroad in one of 20+ countries and earn UFV credits at a partner university — partners that include top global business schools. Students who take advantage of the Study Abroad program gain a global network of connections, build cultural knowledge, and are better equipped for the global marketplace.

To learn more, sign up for an information session

Enactus is a student-led organization that works in collaboration with the UFV School of Business, faculty, business leaders, and the community.  Enactus UFV's mission is to develop and implement projects that create positive economic, ecological, and social impacts in our community. 

Learn more about Enactus


Program structure and requirements

The Bachelor of Business Administration requires the completion of 120 credits.·        

  • 40 courses total
  • In the first 20 courses, you will learn the fundamentals of:
    • Communications and English
    • Economics
    • Math and Statistics
    • Business
      • Accounting
      • Business Law
      • Finance
      • Human Resources
      • Marketing and Sales 
      • Organizational Behaviour
  • For the remaining 20 courses:
    • Choosing a Major or 
    • Choosing a Minor or 
    • Choosing 300- and 400-level courses to create a General BBA designed for your needs and goals.

Non-Business elective options add breadth and depth of learning in addition to Business courses required in the BBA.

  • Study Abroad credit can be Business or non-Business coursework.
  • Adding a minor outside of the School of Business.

BBA majors and minors

The following majors and minors are available in the BBA program. Most Students declare after 45 credits. 



Where can I find a list of courses for the program?

You can access a list of all approved and required courses for your program in two ways:


First time using MyGRADplan?

Visit MyGRADplan website to get login instructions and review tutorials. Specifically, you will want to learn about the 'What if' and 'Look ahead' features as they will be most helpful in your course planning.



It is much better to start with less and add more coursework in future semesters than to start out feeling overwhelmed in your first semester.

Ultimately, the number of courses you take each semester is up to you, below you will find a recommended schedule for first-year students:

3-5 courses per semester

Expected hours in class
9-18 hours per week

Expected homework
2 hours per 1 hour of class
27-45 hours per week


Suggested course plan (first and second/third semester)

It is common to take more than 4 years to complete a degree program.

If your goal is to take 4 years to complete your Bachelor of Business Administration, you will need to take 10 courses each calendar year. 

For example, Fall and Winter: 5 courses each term.

Fall, Winter, and Summer: 4 courses in Fall, 4 courses in Winter, and 2 courses in Summer.

Sample first semester

Pick 3-5 of the courses shown below, prioritizing taking the first 3 courses listed.

  • BUS 100 — see note 1
  • ENGL 105
  • 1 of ECON 100 or 101
  • BUS 160
  • MATH 141 — see note 2

The BBA program is 40 courses. More than 25% of the 40 (100-400 level) courses required for program completion are quantitative* in nature.

Sample second or third semester

In addition to taking whichever courses not taken in the 1st semester, additional courses recommended in 1st year:

  • BUS 120
  • BUS 145
  • CMNS 125
  • STAT 106

Note 1: BUS 100 is a pre-requisite to lower-level BUS courses including: BUS 120, BUS 145, BUS 203, BUS 249, BUS 261

Note 2: MATH 111 is also approved to meet the Calculus for Business program requirement. 

Work with a School of Business Academic Advisor to develop course planning that is balanced between quantitative and non-quantitative courses to support your personal, academic and professional goals. 

*What Are Quantitative Skills? (And How to Develop Them)


Next steps

Review the UFV School of Business student handbook.

Prepare for registration

Watch tutorials, review information on fee payment, important dates, and more.

Explore courses of interest

Find official course descriptions and outlines in the Academic Calendar.

Track your degree progress

Access your program audit & identify the requirements that are needed for graduation.


Still have questions?

Book an appointment with an academic advisor or email your questions to