This guide has been prepared with the information you need to successfully register for your first year at UFV. Please review the information provided on this page thoroughly before contacting your academic advisor with questions.
This guide has been prepared with the information you need to successfully register for your first year at UFV. Please review the information provided on this page thoroughly before contacting your academic advisor with questions.
Qualifying Studies (QS) is a first step in your educational journey. Within this admission category, you are able to:
Watch a recorded planning session to learn more about Qualifying Studies.
Courses can be worth 3, 4, or 5 credits. That’s approximately the number of hours you’ll be in class per week.
To be considered "full time" you would take 9 credits per semester. If you want to graduate with a degree in four years, you will take 15 credits every fall and 15 credits every winter. You can speed up or "catch up" in the summer semester if you want to.
If it’s your first semester of university, consider taking a lighter course load so you don't get overwhelmed.
Allocate about 10 hours per week for each 3 credit class:
3 hours per week
in class
6 hours per week
for homework
Commute time
Book an appointment with an academic advisor or email your questions to
If you are starting in the fall, book your next appointment prior to the winter registration (October).