Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is UFV Student Research Day?
A highly-anticipated and cherished tradition of the UFV community, celebrating the achievements of UFV's student researchers...
Each year toward the end of Winter semester, UFV students are invited to participate in Student Research Day by designing and submitting a research poster and/or by presenting a snapshot of their research project in under two minutes at the Student Microlectures. The purpose? To showcase the current state of their faculty-supervised research with a diverse audience of UFV academics, students, family and friends, industry and community leaders, and other members of the Fraser Valley community.
UFV professors, many of whom are leading researchers in their fields, volunteer as judges to score students' posters on following criteria:
Research rigour: Research question, methodology, data analysis and discussion, conclusions
Presentation: Layout / organization, use of colour / images / tables, writing, oral presentation
The top-scoring students in 10+ categories each receive a prestigious award and prize money ($200). All students walk away with an impressive piece of work that they can add to their resume, submit to other competitions, or present at research conferences.
Q: Who is eligible to participate in Student Research Day?
Student Research Day eligibility criteria have been re-assessed to honour a high level of student research in terms of time and labour investment (in and outside of the classroom), academic rigor, and student-faculty mentorship. Criteria:
- Undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled at UFV (full- or part-time)
- Has a dedicated UFV faculty research supervisor
- Is submitting a poster based on faculty-supervised research that they did as part of the UFV Work-Study program, as a Research Assistant, or as part of a research-intensive course (e.g., honours or Directed Studies)
Q: Are class-assigned research projects/posters eligible?
In UFV courses where multiple students or groups are assigned a research project/poster, only the top two (2) research posters as determined by the Course Instructor may enter Student Research Day. The Instructor is responsible for:
- Selecting the top two posters (e.g., through faculty scoring, a class vote, personal recommendation);
- Notify students and Leona Oakman (event lead) of their decision;
- Remind the top two students/teams to register for SRD.
If your course structure did not allow you to meet this deadline, please email Leona.
Q: My research isn't finished. Am I still eligible?
Yes. We understand that students' projects may be ongoing, span multiple semesters, or halted due to Covid. If you do not have final results or data ready to share, consider concluding your poster with one of these section headings: Discussion (e.g., project limitations, future directions), Implications (why this research matters), or Recommendations (further questions to be explored).