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Supported Learning Groups

Information for Faculty

What are SLGs?

Supported Learning Groups (SLG) provide academic support for a first-year or second-year class that is historically challenging. The SLG sessions function as guaranteed study time with the ability to get feedback and help. Regular review, pre-tests, and study skills are all gone over throughout the semester. Students must come to the sessions prepared to participate in discussions and activities. SLG sessions are not tutoring sessions. They function as a place for students to come together and be guided by a peer who has succeeded academically in the course. The study groups are open to all students enrolled in the course and they can participate as often (or as little) as they choose.

"I find talking through the material the best way for me to learn, SLG provided time to ask questions and hear others opinions"

SLG Student

Who are SLG leaders?

SLG leaders are students who have previously taken the course and achieved a high letter grade. They attend the present lectures and follow the course material along with the students, so their sessions will reflect current course content as it is being presented in class. 

What are the SLG leaders trained to do?

They are selected through a rigorous interview process, undergo 3 days of pre-service training in August, and participate in continuous in-service training throughout the semester. The leaders are trained to:

  • Help the students learn and apply new study skills.
  • Lead a review session and NOT lecture or give answers.
  • Be mentors and role models.
  • Encourage interaction between you and your fellow students.
  • Facilitate collaborative learning through group activities.

“(Our SLG leader) helped us understand the material in terms that we knew.”

CHEM 213 student

What do I need to do if I have an SLG leader in my course?

Faculty play a key role in the effectiveness of SLG. We understand that faculty have many commitments and responsibilities but a good relationship between instructor and leader is essential for SLG to be successful. Meetings between instructor and leader provide opportunities for the instructor to hear from the leader about concepts students might be struggling with and to offer advice on what areas they think the leader should focus on. Some faculty have gone further by supplying extra practice problems or tips to the SLG leader.

While SLG sessions are run outside of class time, SLG leaders are required to attend the classes and faculty will occasionally provide some time during the lecture for the leader to make any announcements regarding sessions. This includes when sessions are first scheduled, any room changes, cancellations, and special exam sessions.

Expectations of Faculty

  • Allow the leader 10 minutes during the first class to introduce themselves and the program to students.
  • Regularly remind students about SLG and encourage them to attend sessions.
  • Meet with the leader weekly to discuss session plans and talk about the course.
  • Complete the survey sent by the SLG coordinator to give feedback on the program and the leader.
  • Recommend/suggest SLG leaders each semester.

How do I find out about having SLGs for my course?

If you are interested in learning more about the selection process, please contact us at or visit room C1007.