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Supported Learning Groups

Resources for SLG Leaders

The purpose of the in-service training is for the trainers to communicate with SLG leaders. The trainers give guidance on how to lead effectively, ensuring that students get the most out of the sessions. The training also gives a chance for the leaders to ask questions and update the coordinator and the trainer on the success of their sessions.

There are 4 in-service training sessions in a term.

Contact Info

Coordinator and Trainer:

Navneet Sidhu
SLG office C1007a‐ Abbotsford local 4116

Tips from former SLG leaders

  • Try to sit in a different seat each week. It helps to get to know others in the class.
  • Get the professor you are working with to add you as a student to the online class list; this gives you the ability to send out emails to students.
  • Facilitate, facilitate, facilitate, then facilitate some more.  Engage students, and provide a direct opportunity for students to contribute to the group.
  • Keep in touch with all your students, send lots of emails, and remind students constantly of the help that is available.
  • Promote the SLG session by writing the classroom number, date, and time in the top corner of the whiteboard before the lecture begins.
  • Make it a habit to get "airtime" each week, or every second week, in front of the class to remind them that SLG is an option for them to attend.
  • Don't adopt a teacher persona; socialize on break with the students in the class.  Remember, you're one of them!
  • Go over the important material. The text has too much content for how little is actually necessary for the course.
  • Know what kind of skill levels to expect from students, and plan for at least two levels.
  • Have everyone sit close together, preferably close to a whiteboard as well.
  • Admit when you are wrong.
  • Encourage the students to make a table of important concepts/figures/tables/code listings for each chapter.
  • Have fun!

Online Resources for SLG Leaders

Great Online Crossword / Word Search Puzzle Maker: Discovery Education; Online Puzzle Maker

Good for Vocabulary, Mix and Match, Etc.: Teacher's Corner

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