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Teaching and Learning Centre

HOPE³ Guidelines

We have recently updated our Accessibility Guidelines, and Online Instruction Guidelines. 

Image lists HOPE³ strategies, Online Learning Guidelines, AI Guidelines, Asynchronous Exemplars, Accessibility Guidelines, Apps/Tools Guidelines, Resources, and Updates

The HOPE3 strategy provides a comprehensive, evidence-informed set of guidelines for use by faculty and instructors. 

These guidelines are part of a “hopeful” strategy for enhancing teaching and learning at UFV. Included in this toolkit are:

They are intended for use by faculty and instructors in developing syllabi/course activities in preparation for any and all modes of teaching in the upcoming semesters. 

Ryan Mann at SAIT has compiled A Guide to Generative AI for Educators to support instructors in using AI constructively for enhancing teaching and learning. The guide shares ways in which AI can serve as a teaching aid and a learning tool, while also cautioning instructors about challenges around data privacy, transparency, and appropriate use  of AI. It is a useful resource for faculty and instructors to use in conjunction with the AI principles and guidelines referenced above.

Faculty can access TLC support by reaching out to  

UFV AI Principles