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Centre for Accessibility Services

Academic accommodations

What is an academic accommodation?

An academic accommodation is an adaptation that can help students overcome disability-related barriers to meet your course or program requirements.

As reflected in UFV's Policy 93, the Centre for Accessibility Services commits to providing academic accommodations that foster diversity, inclusivity, and student success.

What kind of challenges can academic accommodations help address?

Students in your classes may experience any number of barriers/challenges in the following areas:

  • Reading and writing
  • Planning, organisation, and time-management
  • Memorization and recall
  • Attention and concentration
  • Physical access
  • Sensory challenges
  • Coping with and responding to change

How are academic accommodations set up?

Every student is different, so we determine academic accommodations on a case-by-case basis, involving an intake appointment and a review of supporting documentation.

Example statement to include in your course syllabus or outline:

I strive to provide a welcoming and inclusive learning environment. If you anticipate or experience disability-related barriers to your inclusion in this course, please let me know so that we can discuss options for meeting your needs. You are also welcome to contact the Centre for Accessibility Services (CAS) to begin this conversation. By working with CAS, you can develop an accommodation plan for this and other classes. Learn more about registering with CAS at

In addition to including this statement, faculty are encouraged to read the statement aloud on the first day of class and review it the week before the first exam or assessment.