The UFV School of Business fully supports the research conducted by faculty and students. To create opportunities to foster and encourage research, the UFV School of Business has begun a series of research-focused initiatives.
Some of these initiatives include, but are not limited to:
Research development program
The School of Business invites faculty throughout the University to participate in a variety of workshops and seminars, with topics ranging from “Identifying your research area” to “Publishing in ‘good’ journals'”.
The Research Development Program at the UFV School of Business was established to support us in achieving our strategic goal to "engage in research and scholarly activities that will drive excellence in all of our work." The program is designed to help both early career faculty and those who would like to freshen up on their existing knowledge and skills.
Although offered by the UFV School of Business, all seminars and workshops in our Research Development Program are open to all post-graduate students and faculty at UFV.
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Research Seminar Series
Join us to hear UFV School of Business faculty and guests present their current research.
These presentations are usually based on conference papers or academic journal publications. All faculty and students are welcome to these presentations; the final presentation each academic year is a student research day, where students present their own research.
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Undergraduate research projects
Several of our undergraduate courses have research components. Students usually work on real-life cases and have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and creative solutions.
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Selected publications
Browse a selection of publications authored by UFV School of Business faculty.