Vendor Payment (via purchase order)
Processing of vendor invoices may take up to 2 weeks once the completed and approved invoice is received in Financial Services. To ensure timely payment, invoices must be submitted according to the following instructions:
- All invoices must reference the purchase order number found on the top right corner of the PO document.
- All invoices must show the item code, quantity, unit of measure, unit cost, description of service (if applicable) and discount percentage as it appears on the purchase order. If partial shipments are made, invoices must be rendered for each shipment.
- Invoices must not be submitted until goods/services are shipped/performed. As indicated in the purchase order, all invoices must be submitted via email or mail to:
University of the Fraser Valley
Accounts Payable
A291- 33844 King Road
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 7M8
Email: Accounts Payable has a dedicated email address for receiving PDF invoices for payment processing. Please forward all invoices for payment to:
Vendor Direct Deposit (EFT)
Canadian vendors are strongly encouraged to use direct deposit, as it will allow payments to be directly deposited into a specified Canadian bank account. This will help to eliminate delays associated with cheques and will reduce opportunities for payment misrouting, theft and fraud. Additionally, an e-mail remittance advice will be sent to the vendor.
To request enrolment in the Direct Deposit program, please complete the Vendor Direct Deposit Application and submit to