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Financial Services

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles - Travel & Expense Claims

Financial Services is responsible for the administration of the below-stated guidelines and is authorized to question any claim and obtain further information if necessary. However, individual supervisors are responsible for exercising judgement with regards to "reasonable authorized UFV business" prior to authorizing an expense claim for an individual.  

Guiding Principles:

  • Expense claims should be completed on an approved university Expense Claim Form no later than 30 days following the expenditure.
  • All expense claims relating to the university fiscal year end ( March 31 ) must be submitted to Financial Services before the Year End Deadline.

  • All items should be listed separately on the expense claim form in chronological order and indicate the purpose of the trip or meeting.

  • Original receipts and vouchers should be stapled to the back of the expense claim form if submitting hard copy.

  • All expenses must be adequately described or itemized in the description column. Grouping of items is not permissible unless a breakdown is shown.

  • Expenses incurred on specially funded projects should be submitted on a separate expense claim form.

  • All claims are to be signed by the claimant and approved by the appropriate administrator even if there is no refund claimed (such as reconciliation of an advance where the total refund is zero). The cost center to be charged should be noted by the claimant or administrator.


Foreign Exchange

  • Financial Services will use the rate of exchange as provided by the Bank of Canada for the applicable expense or advance date. If the claimant has proof of the exchange rate used (for example a bank statement), this can be used when submitting the original claim.

  • If the claimant used a credit card for payment and the exchange rate used by the university is not sufficient to cover the charge by the credit card company, an additional claim can be made referencing the original claim.

  • When the claim includes multiple currencies, indicate the currency of each expense.

  • Please indicate the exchange rate used and the source of the exchange rate, for example, Visa Statement - Bank of Canada, etc.

Learn how to complete an Expense Claim Form.