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The Office of the Registrar provides course timetable information for academic courses in all semesters. 

Detailed course descriptions, course outlines and program requirements are available in the Academic Calendar. Visit Registration for registration instructions and to review important dates and deadlines for each semester.

Summer 2025 timetable

View the timetable of classes offered by selecting Browse Classes, or the Summer 2025 link below.


Browse classes


Summer 2025 timetable
Changes to the Summer 2025 timetable

Note: Attendance at in-person exams may be required for some online courses.

Non-Instructional Days - May 19, July 1 and August 4.

Winter 2025 timetable

View the timetable of classes offered by selecting Browse Classes, or the Winter 2025 link below.

Browse Classes

Winter 2025 timetable
Changes to the Winter 2025 timetable

Note: Attendance at in-person exams may be required for some online courses.

Non-Instructional Days - Family Day and Reading Break: February 16-23.  

Useful links

How to read a timetable

Class times

UFV uses the 24-hour clock to show class times. This means that classes that meet in the afternoon or evening are listed as 1300 (1 pm) to 2200 (10 pm). A class listed as 0830 meets at 8:30 am.

Days of the week
U Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
Section numbers
AB Abbotsford
CH Chilliwack
ON Online Course
MI Mission
HO Hope
IS Independent Study
PR Practicum


Courses are offered on various campuses, and buildings are often identified by letters. The first letters of the building code indicate the campus, and the final character is the building (e.g., ABA means Abbotsford campus, building A; CEPA is Chilliwack campus, building A).

AB Abbotsford campus
CC Clearbrook Centre, Abbotsford
CEPT Canada Education Park Trades Centre, Chilliwack
CEP Chilliwack campus
HO Hope Centre
MI Mission campus
ONLINE Online Course

Instructional methods

UFV has defined five different instructional methods, and course sections will declare a distinct instructional method so students are fully aware of course expectations at the time of registration. To assist in course selection, students can query sections offered of a particular instructional method type by checking the Instructional Method field within myUFV’s online registration dashboard.

A course that is delivered through remote means. You will be required to have access to a computer and a reliable internet connection to obtain and download course materials as well as to submit assignments and take tests and exams (in-person exams required for some courses).

  • Meeting times: There are no scheduled meeting times for asynchronous (OLO) classes. 
  • Note: May require access to a device with microphone and/or camera for group or collaborative work.
  • Attention: Attendance at in-person exams may be required for OLO courses.

A course that is delivered through remote means, but includes regularly scheduled online classes, often requiring a video connection with the instructor and class through web conferencing such as Blackboard Learn.

You will be required to have access to a computer with a web camera with microphone and a reliable internet connection to participate in the class, obtain and download materials, as well as to submit assignments and take tests and exams (in-person exams required for some courses).

  • Meeting times: Dates, days and times of scheduled on-line learning activities will be clearly listed in the schedule of classes.
  • Attention: Attendance at in-person exams may be required for OLM courses.

A course delivered using a mix of in-person and online learning activities; online learning may be synchronous or asynchronous.

  • Meeting times: The dates, days and meeting times of in-person classes and scheduled online learning activities will be clearly listed in the schedule of classes. This will require access to a reliable internet connection, a computer and, for some courses, web camera with microphone.

During a course, students can choose to attend sessions in the classroom, participate online, or do both, depending on student need or preference. The flexibility enables students to change their mode of attendance weekly or by topic.

A course, that is delivered in a classroom, studio, shop, or lab setting, requiring a student’s presence on a campus. Some online access to myClass may be required. 

  • Meeting times: The dates, days and meeting times of classes will be clearly listed in the schedule of classes.