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Campus Card

Choose a meal plan

Meal plans offer a convenient alternative when you are busy and on the go. The best part is a meal plan will save you time and money. Meal plans are GST exempt meaning you save 5% tax each time a meal is purchased in the Cascade cafeteria. Our food service provider has an onsite chef, a variety of quality products to choose from, and is committed to sourcing locally grown foods. Meals are available for take-out or you can stay and enjoy a meal or study in the designated seating areas.

Getting started

To be eligible, you must have a Campus Card and be registered as a student in the current semester. 

Need more info

  • Housing applicants: if you would like to add a meal plan to your housing accommodations, please email
  • Card office: reach us at or call 1-888-504-7441 ext. 4176.

The fine print is listed here under terms and conditions.