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Graphic + Digital Design

SlideRoom Privacy notification

Cloud-based Service Notice

The University of the Fraser Valley’s Fine Arts programs use SlideRoom, a software solution, to collect, evaluate and store portfolios online. SlideRoom is a cloud-based service and its data is stored in the United States. 

We need your consent

When you upload your portfolio materials to SlideRoom some of your personal information will be collected and stored, including your name and other identifying information. By using SlideRoom, you are consenting to the storage of your personal information and your portfolio materials in the United States.

Specifically, by using SlideRoom, you agree as follows:

  • I consent to the use, disclosure, and storage outside of Canada of my personal information by SlideRoom for the purposes of collecting, evaluating and storing my online portfolio.
  • This consent is valid from the date I submit my portfolio to SlideRoom and will remain valid until the first day of the semester for which I have applied.

By clicking “I Accept”, I provide my consent as described above. 

If you choose not to provide your consent, please see the BFA Educational Advisor at to make alternate arrangements. 

I accept, continue to SlideRoom


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