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Teaching and Learning Centre


Welcome to Brightspace!

TLC is excited for the move to Brightspace. In order to help you prepare for a successful semester we have developed this website to provide you some guides and workshops. 

Many of your favourite tools are still available in Brightspace, they may have a different name. 

Here is an overview of the tool comparisons

Tool Comparison (Word)
Tool Comparison (PDF)

March 5, 2025 — Join us at the Winter Forum: Implementing Brightspace at UFV.

Let's Get Started

Here are the tutorials that you may find the most useful while you are getting started with Brightspace. You will find these tutorials and more below, however, they have been compiled here for your quick reference. 

Creating Content in Brightspace
Creating Content in Brightspace (Video)
Creating Content in Brightspace (Written)

Navigating Brightspace 
Navigating Brightspace Video

Upload Files to Brightspace
Uploading Files to Brightspace (Video)
Uploading Files to Brightspace (Written)

Create a Welcome Window
Create a Welcome Window (Video)
Create a Welcome Window (Written)

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for BrightspaceAccessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page

Workshop Schedule

We will be offering workshops regularly throughout the semester.  

The following workshops are scheduled now with more to come: 

April 23rd 10:30 - 11:30 - In-person in G118 (library) as well as an online session
May 1st 2:30 - 3:30 - In-person in G118 (library) as well as an online session
May 7th (ConnectED register for ConnectED to attend these sessions) - Registration opens April 7th
May 8th 10:30 - 11:30 - In-person in G118 (library) as well as an online session
May 9th 2:30 - 3:30 - In-person in G118 (library) as well as an online session

Registration is mandatory. Please register here if you're interested in attending. There are limited spaces, we will email you with confirmation 2-3 days after you register. In-person workshops are first come, first serve. If you sign up for an in-person workshop after it is full we will register you in the online workshop on the same date/time and let you know via email.

Please email if you have any questions. 

Interested in scheduling a workshop for your Faculty or Department? Email to inquire. 

Check out the list of upcoming events and drop-in sessions relating to Brightspace!


This page has how-to instructions in written and video format for completing common tasks within Brightspace.

You can also view UFV Videos by going to

For FAQs and other information about preparing for Brightspace see our LMS Website.

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for Brightspace | Accessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page

Prepare for Brightspace

You may choose to backup some of your Blackboard files to your computer for reference at a later time. Please note these items do not transfer to Brightspace so this is only for your reference.

How to Prepare for Migration
Prepare for Migration Video

Download large content collections from Blackboard using a Web Folder
Setup a Web Folder (Word)
Setup a Web Folder (PDF)
Setup a Web Folder Video

Download smaller content collections from Blackboard using a package
Download a Package (Word)
Download a Package (PDF)

Download and open your portfolio into an HTML file
Save and Open a Portfolio (Word)
Save and Open a Portfolio (PDF)
Save and Open a Portfolio Video

Download grades from a class to an Excel file
Download Grades from Blackboard (Word)
Download Grades from Blackboard (PDF)
Download Grades from Blackboard Video

Download student assignments
Download Assignments (Word)
Download Assignments (PDF)
Download Assignments Video

Transfer videos to Kaltura from Blackboard
Download Videos to Kaltura Video


Instructor Tutorials (Dates are approximate)

Here you will find instructor tutorials on various topics of Brightspace. All tutorials will be available by Fall 2025. If you are looking for a tutorial that is not yet available or scheduled further in advance than is helpful for you please reach out to and we can provide an individualized tutorial for you. 

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for Brightspace | Accessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page


How to use Ally (Fall 2025)


On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for BrightspaceAccessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page


Creating Exceptions (Summer 2025)

Self and Peer Assessment (Fall 2025)

Self-Reflection (Fall 2025)

Create an Assignment (Summer 2025)

Create a Quiz (Summer 2025)

Question Library (Fall 2025)

View and Test Your Quizzes (Summer 2025)

Set Feedback for Your Quizzes (Fall 2025)

Create a Survey (Fall 2025)

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for BrightspaceAccessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page


Create a Discussion
Create a Discussion (Scribe document)

View, Post and Reply to threads in Discussions
View, Post and Reply to threads in Discussions (Scribe document)

Create a Journal using Private Discussions
Create a Journal using Private Discussions (Scribe document)

Course Communication (Summer 2025)

Creating Announcements (Summer 2025)

Activity Feed (Fall 2025)

Create a Calendar (Fall 2025)

Create Groups (Fall 2025)

Create a Group Assignment (Fall 2025)

Assign Groups (Fall 2025)

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for BrightspaceAccessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page

Course Development

Creating Content in Brightspace
Creating Content in Brightspace (Video)
Creating Content in Brightspace (Written)

Navigating Brightspace 
Navigating Brightspace Video

Using Page Templates
Using Page Templates (Video)
Using Page Templates (Written)

Upload Files to Brightspace
Uploading Files to Brightspace (Video)
Uploading Files to Brightspace (Written)

Create a Welcome Window
Create a Welcome Window (Video)
Create a Welcome Window (Written)

Course Copy (Summer 2025)

Availability Date (Summer 2025)

Upload Video or Audio (Summer 2025)

Add Existing Activities (Summer 2025)

Re-Align Due Dates (Summer 2025)

Add a SCORM File (TBD)

Personalize Your Course Banner
Personalize Your Course Banner (Video)
Personalize Your Course Banner (Written)

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for BrightspaceAccessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page

Course Tools

TurnItIn (Fall 2025)

Add a Padlet (Fall 2025)

Attendance (Scribe document)

Intelligent Agents (Fall 2025)

Add a Web Link (Summer 2025)

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for BrightspaceAccessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page

Feedback and Grading

Grade Discussions
Grade Discussions (Scribe document)

View Classlist 

Setting up the Gradebook (Summer 2025)

Gradebook Weighting (Fall 2025)

Class Progress (Summer 2025)

Grade Quizzes (Summer 2025)

Clear Assessment Attempts (Fall 2025)

Providing Feedback on Assessments (Fall 2025)

Create Rubrics (Fall 2025)

Awards (Fall 2025)

Bonus Assignments (TBD)


Create a Video Assignment (Fall 2025)

On this page: Workshop Schedule | Prepare for BrightspaceAccessibility | Assessment | Communication | Course Development | Course Tools | Feedback and Grading | Other Tools | Students | Top of Page

Other Tools

How to Close-Caption Videos (TBD)
The current Blackboard video for close-captioning can be roughly followed. Access Kaltura MyMedia in Brightspace by clicking on Kaltura MyMedia on the Institutional Homepage.