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Continuing Education

Health and Fitness

Exercise and Air Pollution

Cost: $75
Prerequisite: None

Exercising in air pollution: What do we know, what don’t we know, and what can practitioners do to help clients?

This course is targeted towards exercise professionals such as kinesiologists, personal trainers, CSEP CEPs/CPTs, and athletic therapists (see professional development credits below). The course will introduce the effects of air pollution in relation to exercise, health, and performance. You will learn about different types of air pollutants, their health effects, and implications of air pollution exposure during exercise. In addition, you will learn about strategies to minimize the health impacts of air pollution during exercise.

The course will consist of a mixture of lectures, activities, unit quizzes, and an end-of-course quiz (approx. 2 hours and 20 minutes of lectures plus 1.5-2 hours of activities).

  1. Unit 1: What is air pollution and how does it affect health? 
  2. Unit 2: What are the health/physiological effects of exercising in air pollution?
  3. Unit 3: How can exercising in air pollution affect exercise performance?
  4. Unit 4: Strategies to mitigate risk.

For more information about the course and CE/PD credits, see the Air Pollution and Exercise course outline.


Delivery method: Online with no scheduled meeting times

Sep 1– Dec 31 | 80351

  • The course is available for completion until December 31.

  • This course will be asynchronous and can be completed in your own time.
  • This course will run as an online class and the course/course material will be available through myClass.

How to register: Call 1-888-823-8734 between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM PST and select Option 1. Quote the course name and CRN.

Next Steps

  • Once you have registered over the phone you will receive two emails:
    • One from UFV Admissions that provides your UFV student number, as well as instructions on how to access myUFV and how to create/reset your password.
    • One from our IT department informing you how to access your UFV email through Office 365.
  • Course material will be accessible between Sept 1 and Dec 31.
  • Each Monday between Sept 1 and Dec 31, new registrants will receive an email to their UFV student email, outlining how to access course material (e.g., if you registered on Wednesday, you would receive this email the following Monday).
  • For those wishing to access course material prior to receiving the above email, see the information below or download the following: Air Pollution and Exercise - myClass access and welcome email.

Accessing the Course Material

Both myUFV and myClass links can be can be found on the top right of the website on desktop, or in the 'tools' menu on mobile.

  1. Access myUFV.
    • Use your student number and password to log in (see the email from Admissions for your UFV student number).
    • First time users use myUFV Login Assistant, or to reset your password follow the instructions on the UFV ITS website.
  1. Access myClass, which provides direct access to the course material.
    • Use your UFV student email and password to log in (your password is the same as your myUFV password).
    • Once logged in, click on “Courses” (on the left-hand side). Click on the course (HLTH-EXPO-ON1) to see the course material and get started.

For any questions regarding the course, please contact Luisa Giles: 

Phone 1-888-823-8734 and select option 1 to register
Nursing Foot Care

Cost: $2,047 + supply kit ($450+tax)
Prerequisite: Students must be an active, licensed: RN, LPN, RPN, or NP (Nurse Practitioner) to take this course. Certification will be confirmed.

This course includes an in-depth focus on:

  • Assessment of the foot and lower limb
  • Prevention and education for the client with diabetes to assist in preventing diabetic foot complications
  • Sterilization and infection control procedures used in reprocessing instruments
  • Excellent review of the process and resources needed in starting your own business

This course meets the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses (CAFCN) competencies and the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA). It also includes cracking the Dementia Code certification. On completion, students have their own foot care ‘kit’ including four sets of instruments and supplies needed to start their foot care career.

Note: This is a course. Please refer to Student Resources for a Glossary of Terms.

Next steps: 

  1. Registration opens November 27, 2024. To register, phone the Office of the Registrar at 1-888-823-8734.

  2. As soon as you have registered, email with your personal email, nursing license, and expiry date.

  3. Course work will be completed through PedEd using the Moodle platform, not UFV Blackboard. You will receive an email with instructions to log on one business day before the course starts. 
    • Ensure your email address is accurate when registering.
    • If you do not receive the email with instructions to your main inbox, check your junk folder.
    • For technical support logging in or navigating the online learning system, please contact:

  4. Complete the online course work (theory-based learning) over the next 8 weeks.

  5. Upon completion of the online course work, students are required to attend the mandatory 2- or 3-day clinical (applied practice). Supply kits are distributed at clinical.

Please note the following:

  • Students must be an active, licensed RN, LPN, RPN, or NP.

  • In line with PHO orders, students must be fully vaccinated to take this course.

  • No refund for tuition once the course starts.

  • Clinical supplies are non-refundable and distributed in the mandatory clinical at Brella Community Services (15008 26 Avenue, Surrey, BC).

Winter: Jan 24Mar 23, 2025
Coursework: Jan 24–Mar 20, 2025 | Online with no scheduled meeting times
Clinical: Mar 21–23, 2025 | 3-day mandatory clinical, in person, 7 hours per day
CRN: 20059


Spring: Apr 18Jun 8, 2025
Coursework: Apr 18–Jun 5, 2025 | Online with no scheduled meeting times
Clinical: Jun 6–8, 2025 | 3-day mandatory clinical, in person, 7 hours per day
CRN: 40133

Phone 1-888-823-8734 and select option 1 to register.
PVPC - Preventing and Protecting Against Violence in the Workplace

Cost: $130
Prerequisite: Violence Prevention for Medium and High Risk Departments (8 Modules), accessible on the LearningHub (

Healthcare workers learn the steps needed to prevent and protect against violence in the workplace. The curriculum is based on overarching principles and a Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum framework which identifies four main responsibilities in preventing and protecting against violence in the workplace:

1) Recognize Risks and Behaviours
2) Assess and Plan
3) Respond to the Risk
4) Report and Communicate Post-Incident

Participants will learn the foundational knowledge regarding those tasks, first in the series of e-learning modules and then by applying that knowledge in the hands-on session designed to reinforce and practice what they need to do to prevent and protect against workplace violence.

This workshop is a mandatory requirement prior to practicum/clinical placements and is the final component of the Preventing and Protecting Against Violence in the Workplace program which prepares students to undertake practicum placements in health authorities.

Students must complete the eight online modules through the PHSA LearningHub before attending the in-class session.

This offering does not include FIT testing

Abbotsford — Clearbrook Centre

Jan 18, 2025 | 1 session, Saturday, 8:00 AM–4:30 PM
In person at the Clearbrook Centre campus
CRN: 20288

Phone 1-888-823-8734 and select option 1 to register.

Cost: N/A

Doctors of BC has partnered with the University of the Fraser Valley to provide Medical Office Assistants (MOAs) with the opportunity to learn how to protect patient information in their clinics. At the end of the course, a capstone project allows you to put what you have learned into practice in your clinic.

Doctors Technology Office is generously covering the cost of this course. If you or your MOA is interested in participating in this course, please fill out the application form.

Course dates:

  • January 28April 8, 2025 (In progress)
  • April 8–June 10, 2025 (Applications open)

 What you will learn in this course:

  • What is patient privacy?
  • Network security and software 
  • Hardware maintenance
  • Incident response
  • What is Quality Improvement?

How does this course help you and your clinic?  

This course provides MOAs with the knowledge and skills needed to protect patients' information. Your capstone project also provides an opportunity to identify an improvement area in your clinic, and ideally allows you to put this quality improvement into practice.

How to get started:

Please fill out this application form. Only those who are accepted into the course will receive an email from Doctors of BC.

For more information, contact

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Upgrading and University Preparation (UUP) programs and courses can help you upgrade your academic and workplace skills. Tuition is free for domestic students.

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